15.the flower garden

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As Kamiko and Mizuki reached the flower garden. Kamiko started to look around.

"Wow this so pretty."
Said Kamiko.

"This place is called tear of happiness. Our last king made this place."
Mizuki said.

"I see ."

As Kamiko went through every row, which were full of various types of flowers. She would touch them and mumble

"So beautiful."

Mizuki stood in a distance and looking at her and smile.

"Hey Mizuki what are these flowers called ? I have never seen anything like this before."
Kamiko said she pointed on the blue flower."
Kamiko said.

"Oh... these are blue blon. There are rare to find outside of lackway you can only find these in east lackway. There are mostly as hair accessories."
Mizuki said.

"Um....Like this......how do I look?"
Kamiko said as she pluck the flower.

"Yes, just like that. And you look lovely."
Mizuki said.


"I think we should head back. It will dark soon."
Mizuki said

Kamiko responded.

As they were heading back. Kamiko asked Mizuki.

"Hey Mizuki, um...where am I going to stay to night?"

"The chief said he will prepare the castle."

"The castle!? Isn't it bit too much?"

"I have thinking The same thing."
Mizuki said.

"Won't people working in The castle go crazy? I can't just pop up and say I am your lost princess."
Kamiko said.

"People will make many rumors. And they is a chance it will be in the newspapers."

"And if it will in the newspaper. Obviously it will go to the other parts of lackway. And kaname will definitely come for me. No won't happen."

"You have a long thinking Kamiko."
Mizuki said.

"Let's go talk to him right!''

Mizuki took Kamiko to toshi's house

"My lady, what brings you here."
Toshi said.

"Mr. Toshiba about where I going to stay."

And then Kamiko explaineed everything to toshi.

"I see. you got a point there.
I must say you are smart my lady."
Toshi said.

"See Mizuki I am smart."
Kamiko said looking at Mizuki with a smile

"Yeah, easy for you to say who can't slove the easiest math problem at school."
Mizuki said with a smirk.

"Shut up!"
Kamiko yelled as Mizuki laughed.

"Princess is it ok if you stay at Mizuki's house.?"
Toshi asked Kamiko.

"Yeah sure."

__________AT MIZUKI'S HOUSE________
"You Can use this room."
Mizuki said.

Said Kamiko.

"Tell me if you need anything. I will call you when dinner is ready."


"Ah...I am so tired. Today was fun though. Lackway is good then I expected. I still I don't think I am cut out for this princess things."
Kamiko thought as she collapsed on the bed.

After a while Mizuki calls Kamiko.

"Hey, dinner's ready."

Said Kamiko.

"Look's good."
Kamiko said.
"I didn't know you could cook."

"I have to go here and there because of my missions so I had to learn to cook."
Mizuki said.

"I see."

"I don't stay at my house often. So there not much to eat. But this is the best I could do."

"No..it's fine. "

"So what do you think about lackway?"
Mizuki asked.

"It's a lovely place. I really liked the people. I wonder what the other parts are like?."

"You know you could stay here if you want."

"Yeah I know but I can't  disappeared for that world. I don't intend to live here forever. At some point I have to go back. And I can't just pop up after being missing."
Kamiko said.

"So when do you intend to return?"
Mizuki asked.

"Tomorrow evening."
Kamiko replayed.

"Fine. I will the chief then."
Mizuki said.

"Thank you for the food."
Kamiko said.
"Hmm...it's good."

"Thank you."

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See goopy guys In next one.

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