9.the unknown truth

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"You asked for it"

Mizuki ran towards kaname with his sword. And they began to fight.

"Where have you been all this time?"
Mizuki asked kaname.

"Don't act like you care!"
Kaname said.

"That a side, look at you babysitting a 14 year old kid."
Kaname said in a mocking tone.

"I am 18!."
Kamiko yelled.

"Yeah..whatever I don't care."

As they were fighting Kamiko was looking for some kind of weapon.

"Say Mizuki, I give you a great deal, how about you join me and I will forgive you for what you did."

"No thanks ,I can't betray the princess
She is very precious to me. I will protect her with my life"
Mizuki said

Kamiko thought

"Seven moon slash"
Said Mizuki

"Ice barrier "
Kaname yelled.

"Wait....how did you get the ice element. You didn't had the ice element"
Mizuki said with shock.

"Well I just got it recently so I haven't try it yet. You are lucky to see it."

"What the heck are you even talking about?!"

"Found it"
Kamiko said in her mind.

"Night slice"
Mizuki yelled

Mizuki's attack hit badly to kaname.
Kaname fell down.

"You still have time to turn back."
Mizuki said

"Nah..I will never turn back."

As kaname was about to get up Kamiko stabbed him with in the his leg.

Kaname grasp in pain.

"That was out of the blue"
Mizuki thought.

"Come princess let's go!"


As Kamiko was about to say something Mizuki grabbed her arm and run outside.


Seven moon slash: This tick allows the person's weapon such as a sword to have the power of seven sword.

Ice barrier: This tick makes a barrier around the person.

Night slice: A strong slash with moon element.

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How does Mizuki know kaname ?
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