13.A day in lackway

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"Huh..where am I ?"
Kamiko said as she woke up.

"Princess you okay? How are you feeling? Does your body hurts?"
Mizuki said as he panicked.

"Yeah yeah. I am okay chill out. "

"That's a relief."

"But why did I fainted in the first place?"
Kamiko asked.

"Look when a person uses more power than usual. they can get more powerful but the body can lose stamina and can cause side affects. As for you, you are not used to use this much in training and that's why you fainted."

Knock knock
Someone knocked at the door

"Excuse me."
It was the chief.

"I see you have woken up, my lady."

"Yes.....wait you're the man for before what was your name......Mr.toshi was It."
Kamiko said

"It's good that you remembered my name."


"Um...I have a request...."
Kamiko said.

"Feel free to tell me. Your highness."
The chief said.

"I am hungry."

"Oh I so sorry my lady. I will send some maids to help you wash up and once done with that head down stairs. I Will prepare every cuisine. If that satisfy you, your highness."

"Thank you. I would appreciate that."
Kamiko said

"Please inform me or Mizuki if you need anything my lady."


And the chief left.

"Um..is he always like this?"
Kamiko said

"No, not at all."
Mizuki said in an instant.

"Good evening my lady, I will be helping you helping you today."

"Nice to meet you."

"Your highness, this is the dress you be wearing."

"Oh..Thank you."

"Woah this dress is so pretty. It's look like, it came straight out of a fairy tale."
Kamiko thought in enjoy.

Later on Kamiko washes up and comes down stairs. The maids took Kamiko in the dining room.

"I am ready! How do I look? I not use to wearing these beautiful dress."
Kamiko said with excitement.

"You look beautiful, your highness."
Said the chief.

But Mizuki avoid Kamiko. He was staring at the wall beside him.

"What's with him?"
Kamiko said to herself.

"Please be seated my lady.
The chief said.

"Oh..Thank you very much."
Kamiko said.

As Kamiko was sitting, Mizuki glanced at her.

"Wow...She actually look pretty."
Mizuki thought.

Then Kamiko turn to her back and Mizuki turn his head back to the wall
In instant.

"Weird I thought he was looking at me."
Kamiko thought

"By the who's house is this?"
Kamiko asked.

"Oh..it's Mizukis."

"It's pretty nice."
Kamiko said

Mizuki said.

"How the food my lady?"
chief asked.

"It's lovely. I really appreciate your help Mr.toshi."
Kamiko said.

"Oh no it's my pleasure. Mizuki why don't you take princess to the town for a tour."

Mizuki said.

"That's sounds fun."
Said Kamiko.

"Yes. so much fun. Sorry but I can't."
Mizuki said

"No buts. Now go."
chief said.

Said Mizuki .

Kamiko smirked at him. And he smirked back at her in a sarcastic way.

"It's bigger than I thought."
Kamiko said to Mizuki as they entered the market.

"Yes. Princess wait here I will be back"


As Kamiko was standing .A man selling breads beside her called her.

"Excuse me, young lady would you like to have some bread?"

"I would love to but I sorry I don't have any money on me right now."
Kamiko said to him.

"Here, have this .It's on the house.l

"Oh..Thank you very much Mister."
Said Kamiko.

"Mmm. It's really good!"
Kamiko said

"Thank you. It's freshly baked."

Then Kamiko saw Mizuki in a distance.

"Ok I should go now. Thanks for the bread"
Kamiko said

"Come again."

"Here wear this."
Mizuki said Kamiko as he gave her a hooded cloak.


"So where do you wanna go?"
Mizuki asked.

Kamiko said as she pointed a flower garden.

"Ok then."
As they were going Kamiko bumped into someone.

"Oh..I am sorry."
Kamiko said.

"Watch where your going Girl. What are you blind!"
That man said.

"Watch your mouth. She already apologized to you!"
Mizuki yelled.

"Oh I am so sorry sir Mizuki . I didn't mean to interrupted your date. Please carry on ."
And he left.

"What!?, A date!?. Is that man nuts."
Kamiko yelled.

"Please ignore him princess."
Mizuki said

"I can't ignore tha-"

"Excuse me ,miss I think I am lost can you help me find me my parents?"
A kid approaches Kamiko.

"No. We can't "
Mizuki told the boy

he started to tear up.

"Of course we will help you "
Kamiko said as she hit her elbow in Mizuki's stomach.

"Really! Thank you."

"Come on let's go ."
Kamiko told the boy.

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This challenge ends here.
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