Chapter 13

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Sunday morning and I'm at the gym.

When playing at the level I do and aspiring to play for a bigger league in the future, consistency is key. Hence why the gym became like my second home. Every day. Of every week. Of every month. By now I even got to know the receptionist, who knows me and offers me the key to the same locker every time.

Like usual, I start my workout with a bit of running on the treadmill. I like the way the run immediately boosts up your mood, getting you ready for the rest.

Today is a chest and triceps day.

I start with my rope triceps extensions, only to be interrupted by someone clapping on my back.

"Cal", Trevor's voice catches my attention. I turn around and indeed there is Trevor, also in his gym clothes. We're both wearing some black gym shorts, yet as he is in a white tank top, I'm currently in a black compression shirt.

Trevor goes at the place next to mine and also starts some rope triceps extensions.

"Fancy seeing you here", he begins. His smirk tells me he is here for a reason.

"Same", I add. I am always at the gym. Always. So I started knowing who comes when. Especially when they are my friends. And let me tell you one thing: Trevor Huxley never, and by that I mean never ever, comes at the gym on a Sunday morning. My expression turns blank as I ask him: "What are you really doing here, Trev?"

"Can't a man enjoy his triceps workout?", he asks me, lopsided grin. I start searching with my gaze for Henry, he is out somewhere flirting with yet another gym girl. Yet as he notices my stare, he comes at my other side and also starts with some rope triceps extensions.

"Trevor, Cal", Henry greets us, all smiles. "What a coincidence."

"You two are always together", Trevor points out. "I wouldn't call it a coincidence."

"Point taken", Henry agrees. "But what a coincidence you're here."

My voice is still cold as I say: "Trevor was just beginning to tell us why he's here."

"Was he now?", my best friend asks, clearly amused.

I nod, not changing my mood.

"Yeah, I was", Trevor answers, not erasing that smirk on his face. "So, yesterday I've been on a date."

Trevor Huxley on a date... I would have never thought I'd live that day. The guy had a list of girls he's casually been with longer than the one of his scored points. And that says something, given the fact he got an offer from the New York Jets to come play for them after he graduated.

"You?!", Henry lets out, clearly as shocked as I am.

"I'll try not to take offence to that, Torres", Trevor replies. He then turns his mood back to relaxed and continues. "Anyway, I came pick her up, and Kate was there..."

The world stops as he speaks her name.

And I lose it.

Before I know it, I'm grabbing his T-Shirt and holding him up in the air, although he's only a few inches shorter.

"What. Did. You. Say?", I say every word with enough coldness and threat to make the Antarctic seem like a tropical paradise.

"Cap", I can hear Henry shout somewhere in the background. But I do not mind that. All I mind is knowing whether that fucker placed his hands on Kate, so I can know if I'm killing him or not.

"With Mae, jackass", Trevor replies, not losing that smirk. "Her friend. The co-cheer captain. That was who I've been on a date with."

My grip on him relaxes. "The one who saw you naked?"

"I mean, I wouldn't put it like that, but yeah..."

"Then why did you talk about Kate?", I ask him. With Trevor, one always needs to double check.

"Because they were getting ready for Sports Day. She was over at Mae's when I came to pick her up."

I let go of him and shake my hand to loose the tension. "Don't do that again."

"What? Go on a date with Mae Chen? I fucking like her, Callum."

He knows that was not what I'm talking about.

"Scare me like that", I counter.

The smirk on his lips brightens. "Sure, I promise. Although, it was nice seeing you get so worked up about her. You're whipped."

"No shit, Sherlock", I bite back. There is no denying it at this point. Katie Blake made her way into my heart and started owning me body and soul.

"She likes you too", he adds, the smirk getting into a warm smile.

"She doesn't", I reply. "She said that herself."

"I don't know about what she said, but I know that every time I mentioned you, her cheeks got pinker than those shorts she was wearing."

A faded smile tugs on my lips. Typical Katie.

"You asked about me?", I ask him.

He nods. "Sure, man. I want you to be happy. You're my bro."

I once made the mistake to tell Trevor Huxley about Kate. We were at a house party from one of his teammates, Gerry Belize. Trevor, his best friend Xaden, Peter, Henry and I were hanging out outside. About eight shots of tequila later, we were all in our feels. Henry was getting it from a girl locked inside the bathroom, Xaden was playing beer pong in a team with Peter against Aaron Blake and Liam Burroughs. Trev and I remained outside. We had a few more shots. A girl came and started giving us hints she'd like a hookup. I refused. Trev sensed something and refused too. As the girl left, he asked me why I said no. The girl was attractive, some black hair, blue eyes, a nice silhouette. But she wasn't Katie. And Katie is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Trevor also pointed out the fact I never date, not since my sophomore year. The year Katie came. And blame the alcohol, but I told him everything. And although the alcohol washed off, the memories remained. And he still remembers what I said.

"She really likes you, Cal", Henry says too.

I sigh as I start the workout again. "Let's get back to it, people. I don't plan spending my whole day here."

"Neither do I", Trevor agrees. "Mae and I are going to eat pizza today."

I size him up with my eyes. So does Henry. "So, you and Mae? You're really a thing?"

"I fucking hope so", he confesses. "She makes my heart go kaboom."

Henry and I both chuckle at him, then finally continue our exercises.

But deep down, I know what Trevor meant.

A heart going kaboom.

Finding HeartsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin