Chapter 62: The Perpetual VIP Pass

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I power-walked to my car, barely holding in my flustered meltdown, until I slid behind the wheel.

"One year?!" I shrieked to mom's empty car. "ONE YEAR? And she's meeting his family already?!"

I smacked the steering wheel as my inner monologue spiraled out loud. "And she's so freaking sweet and perfect! Of course she is! UGHHH Adam, you oblivious jerk!"

I screeched out of the parking lot. On impulse, I headed for Cup and saucer—maybe seeing Belle would ground me. Plus, you know, rage baking is a thing.

Sure enough, I found Belle in Dad's office, chowing down on a grilled panini. "Hey! What are you doing here?" she mumbled through a mouthful. "I'm on lunch break, but Dad keeps almonds and dried fruit in here."

I started pacing in front of Dad's desk, ranting about the world's most awkward and disastrous lunch encounter. Belle's eyes went wide at Karen's name.

"You met Karen?! And you don't absolutely love her?!"

I stopped to glare at my sister, who was ogling me incredulously. Belle was clearly already a Karen convert.

"Um, excuse me?! Should I? With her adorable giggles and accent!" I imitated Karen poorly in my flustered state.

"She doesn't have an accent. She's Canadian." Belle just said, grinning. "And she's a genuinely awesome human being. She volunteers at the animal shelter, saving puppies and kittens. I want to be her when I grow up."

"Are you deliberately trying to annoy me?" I rolled my eyes and sank into the desk chair with a dramatic groan. This day could not get worse...

Belle shrugged, popping another grape in her mouth. "No. And I mean, Audrey said it's impossible not to love Karen. Woman's a freaking saint apparently. Adam met her in Nepal; she was backpacking after getting her veterinary degree."

I sank down lower with a pitiful whine. Of course, Karen was not only outgoing and pretty but also a do-gooder animal doctor.

Belle grinned, clearly getting way too much enjoyment out of my misery. "Sooo, are you going to be the maid of honor or bridesmaid at their wedding?"

I snatched a notepad off my dad's desk and beaned her with it. She cackled loudly until Dad poked his head in to check on the ruckus. I made a quick exit, Belle's teasing calls echoing behind me.

I sped out of the parking lot, fuming and directionless. I just needed to drive fast. But, oh, the universe had other plans, decorating the streets with trees that seemed determined to play an irritating slideshow of memories...

In an attempt to escape the relentless nostalgia, I impulsively steered towards Pine Crest State Park, a solid two-hour drive away. Hopefully, being immersed in nature would help me blow off steam.

I arrived and soon stomped down a wooded trail, using the breathing techniques I had learned in Urban Playhouse. Inhale anger; exhale calm.

After a few deep oak-scented breaths, I looked up and froze. An enormous oak tree towered before me. It was no doubt the same one Adam and I had stared at on our senior field trip.

Like an unwelcome guest, the memories flooded back forcefully. My chest clenched with renewed heartache.

On impulse, I veered off the main trail, trying to retrace our steps to that secret spot from years ago. The autumn sunlight faded as I walked deeper among the tall pines, using only my memory as a guide.

Finally, I heard the rushing water before I saw it—a slender ribbon waterfall spilling down mossy boulders into a crystal pool.

Our waterfall.

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