Chapter 49: An in-depth Relationship Assessment with Penny

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Monday afternoon...

I walked into the library, making my usual beeline for my favorite corner table in the back, where Mr. Scott and I worked on my script. Now, it had become my little sanctuary lately, a quiet place to bury myself in my books and try not to think about...certain people.

I slid into my usual seat in the back corner, hidden behind the bookshelves. Out of sight, out of mind. And out of Mr. Shaw's radar. He still called everyone student instead of their names, which was still weird.

It had only been a few weeks since senior prom, since that amazing, magical night I shared with Mr. Scott. I could still remember exactly how his arms felt wrapped around my waist as we slow danced, the smell of his cologne, and the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled down at me. Ugh!

Was I in love with Mr. Scott? I do feel all giddy and nervous around him. And, sure as hell, I find him attractive and amazing at what he does. But does that mean I'm in love with him?

And it had only been a few weeks since Adam had confessed that he loved me. Me! And before I could even process the revelation, he went off, ending our friendship, convinced I was actually in love with Mr. Scott.

One minute we were best friends, and the next he was confessing his love? It was a lot to take in. And before I had a chance to untangle my feelings, he cut me out of his life.

Now I wandered the halls alone, missing our jokes between classes, the way his nose crinkled when he laughed, his arguments with Penny, and him having my back when Penny and I argued.

Going to the cafeteria was even torture now—seeing him chatting it up with Jay while I sat at a table with Penny and Melissa. The worst part was when our eyes would meet for a split second. His eyes that used to sparkle at me now stared straight through like I was a ghost.

Ugh, I could scream!Just three more agonizing weeks of dodging each other in the hallways, and then it's finally summer break, with college just around the corner.

And I'd probably never see Adam again...

So here I was, hiding out in the library again. I sighed, forcing my attention back to my history notes. No matter what happened to Adam, I still had finals to survive. Only one more month of high school angst, and then goodbye to adolescence forever!

I can do this, I told myself firmly. I just have to keep my head down, study hard, and try to distract myself with whatever.

The weekend came as a relief. I needed to get my mind off Adam. When Melissa invited me over to hang out on Saturday afternoon, I quickly agreed. Anything beats sitting at home moping.

I stood by Melissa's window, half-listening as she and Penny gossiped about our classmates. My mind kept drifting to Brown's. I was supposed to come in later, and I was sure Audrey would be there instead of Adam. But what if Audrey had had enough of covering for him this time, and he'd actually show up to work?

But would Adam even talk to me? The thought made my stomach twist in knots.

"Earth to Wendy!" Penny waved her hand in front of my face. "Did you hear anything we just said?"

I blinked, tearing my gaze away from Melissa's bedroom window. "Huh? Oh, sorry. What were you saying?"

Melissa and Penny exchanged looks.

"Okay, what's up with you?" Melissa asked. "You've been spacey since... since Adam stopped hanging out with you, with us. Are you two fighting? Sorry, but I've been meaning to ask, actually. Penny wouldn't say anything."

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