Chapter 51: To Go or Not To Go

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"He asked you to go to New York with him?!" Penny exclaimed. "And he got you an internship offer too? Oh my god!"

I had just finished catching her up on everything Mr. Scott had told me in the library. We were sprawled out on my bedroom floor on Saturday night with a big bowl of popcorn between us.

It had been hard keeping it all to myself for the past few days without my go-to person to discuss things with—Adam. But walk up to Adam and confide in him now? Especially about Mr. Scott? Yeah, that's a whole mess I'd rather avoid.

"Yeah, the off-Broadway show sounds really cool," I said. "And the internship is with Urban Oasis Playhouse, which apparently has a great reputation."

Penny had already pulled out her phone to Google it. "Says here: Urban Oasis Playhouse has launched careers for tons of young writers, directors, and actors over the years. One would be lucky to intern there!"

I sighed, rolling over onto my stomach. "I know, it's an amazing opportunity that's basically fallen into my lap."

"An opportunity to join Mr. Benjamin Scott in New York all summer. You go girl!"

I sighed again, fiddling with the fringes on my pillow. "I don't know; it makes me really nervous too. I've never even left Pinecrest by myself before, let alone traveled to a huge city like New York!"

Penny waved her hand dismissively. "You'll be fine! It's an adventure that will be over before you know it."

"Mr. Scott said we could just go as friends, so I didn't have to feel pressured into anything," I said. "He even offered to talk to my parents to reassure them if needed. I think he could tell I was hesitant."

"Well, there you go; he said he'd look out for you, so you have nothing to worry about," she said. "This internship is an amazing opportunity you can't pass up just because of some nerves. You don't have to go for him; go for yourself and your passion!"

I nodded slowly, considering her logic. She made a good point - an internship in New York was a once-in-a lifetime chance to learn from professionals in the theater world. My fears about the city were probably exaggerated anyway. And Mr. Scott would be there too, as a familiar face, even as just a friend.

Penny grabbed my shoulders, snapping me out of my thoughts. "The Wendy I know would never let nerves stand in the way of her dreams. You're going to do amazing things in New York this summer; I just know it. You have to go! And maybe you'll get to know Mr. Scott more."

"Penny, not a chance. Seriously..."

"Yes, seriously!" Penny waggled her eyebrows mischievously. "First the kiss, and then the secret dance at prom, now this fancy trip to the Big Apple? He's obviously trying to romance you!"

I felt my cheeks flush. "He did apologize for kissing me. He said it was wrong and absolutely inappropriate. He thought he made me feel uncomfortable. Maybe this is his way of making up for it?"

"Duh!" Penny laughed. "By inviting you to travel across the country and stay all summer with him? Right!"

I grabbed a pillow and playfully whacked her as we both dissolved into giggles.

"Wendy, please, don't disappoint me and go! Grab the opportunity. You'll be fine."

A smile spread across my face. I was already leaning toward really going to New York. Then a thought hit me. "Hey, what will you be up to this summer anyway since you're not going to Nepal?"

Penny's eyes lit up. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I haven't had a chance to tell you yet! Melissa got accepted to UCLA, and since I've decided to take a gap year after graduation, we've decided to road trip it to LA for the summer."

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