Chapter 47: The Longest 30 minutes

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My mind raced as Adam and I locked eyes for the first time in weeks. The last time I had looked into those blue-green eyes, they had been stormy with anger and pain. He had avoided me and even ditched prom night because of me. And yet here he was, standing uncertainly in my room in his signature black t-shirt that said 'Don't Ask Me, I Don't Know' and dark jeans and sneakers.

I should have known he'd never ditch his go-to shirt for a stuffy tuxedo. He had never had any intention of going to prom.

I continued to stare at him wordlessly, my own heart pounding wildly. So much had happened tonight.

I crossed my arms tightly across my chest, bracing myself emotionally as best I could. The air was fraught with tension. I had no idea what would happen next between me and my best friend now that the ice had finally been broken.

I glanced at the clock. It was 10:37 p.m.

"It's late," I managed to say quietly. "Did you sneak in, or something?"

"Your dad let me in. I've got a VIP pass, remember?" Adam joked lightly. I shook my head, unamused at his attempt to diffuse the heavy mood.

"He gave me 15 minutes." He cleared his throat, shifting on his feet. "So, uh, you look pretty. Nice dress you got there."

I shrugged, eyes downcast. My appearance tonight was the last thing on my mind. I took a steadying breath and steeled myself.

"Why are you here, Adam?"

He shoved his hands in his pockets, not quite meeting my eyes. "I, uh, I got your text. Sorry I didn't text you back. That was lame."

I bristled at his flimsy apology. "That's really all you're apologizing for? For not texting back?" I could feel my voice getting sharper. "Not for shutting me out completely? Or refusing to hear my side last time? Not even for bailing on Jay just because I'd be there too?"

Adam held up his hands. "Whoa, okay." He met my glare unflinchingly. "You're absolutely right, and I owe you an apology. I was a jerk to you on the phone, and ditching Jay was super uncool of me too."

He sighed, running a hand through his perpetually mussed hair. "For the record, I wasn't actually planning on going." He waved a hand at my prom dress. "You know crowds and dancing aren't my jam."

"Says the guy who just acted in front of more than a hundred people."

"The play was different. Very different."

"Fine. So why even say you'd go at all?" I shot back.

"Because Jay wouldn't let up about it! Dude was so stoked when he learned that Penny would be going, and he kept bugging me to come too. I figured the only way to get him off my back was to finally tell him I didn't want to go since you'd be there."

I couldn't help it—my lips curled up slightly at his explanation. Poor Jay. Also, he was trying to rationalize with what seemed like a fib because that sounded like something Penny would do, not him.

"But did you really have to, like, completely end our friendship?" I could feel tears pricking the corners of my eyes, and I quickly blinked away.

Adam frowned. "That fight was not just a typical little disagreement, and I'm sure you know that. As your best friend, how was I not supposed to freak out when you told me Scott kissed you?!"

I bristled, the hurt and frustration from that night flooding back. "No! We've fought before and still stayed friends. But you full-on told me it was over this time. Just like that. I mean, why?!"

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