Chapter 59: Return to Pinecrest

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As the plane touched down in Pinecrest, my stomach fluttered with nerves. I was so excited to see my family after opting to work at Urban Oasis last year. We had stayed in close touch with frequent phone calls, texts, and video chats. But being back here after 2 years in person felt different.

Peering out the window, I immediately spotted the colorful "Welcome Home, Wednesday!" sign and my family waving eagerly at the gate. I had missed them so much. Even my mom calling me Wednesday.

But for some reason, being back in Pinecrest itself made me anxious.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my carry-on bag with slightly shaky hands.

You got this, I told myself. It's just your hometown. But after being away for so long, would it still feel like home?

As I shuffled down the aisle, I spotted my dad in his signature rainbow sweater that my mom had made him. Next to him was my mom, beaming and waving huge, exaggerated waves as if I couldn't see them perfectly fine. And there was Belle, who looked so much older and more mature than I remembered.

Belle smirked as I approached. "Hey stranger! Surviving on nothing but ramen and energy drinks, huh? You're wasting away!" I flushed, glancing down reflexively even though I knew I hadn't really lost weight. But maybe Belle was right, and I had thinned out a bit recently.

"Oh Wendy, why do you look so thin? Have you been eating enough?" Mom asked, her brow crinkling with concern. I shrugged, a little self-conscious now that she had pointed it out. Some things never changed with her. But her familiar worrying made me feel at home again already.

I let out a big breath I didn't know I was holding. I had missed my family so much. And just like that, my nerves about being back melted away. I was home.

The lively chatter continued nonstop as we piled into Dad's car, heading home. Nestled in the backseat, I caught a nostalgic scent of the leather interior, mingling with the scent that only comes from my dad's hours spent crafting delectable cakes and pastries. It was exactly as I'd recalled, a comforting blend of memories and familiar smells.

"So, tell me all about college!" Dad said eagerly from behind the wheel. "Have you been enjoying your classes? Made any new friends this time?"

Before I could even answer, my mom chimed in, "Now, Wednesday, be honest. Has the workload been too stressful for you? You really do look like you've lost a lot of weight in just two years. Are you sure you've been resting and taking care of yourself?"

"Ooh, what about boys? Or girls? Anyone special in your life?" My dad wiggled his eyebrows at me in the rearview mirror.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. My head swiveled back and forth between my parents as they continued their rapid-fire questions.

"Stop embarrassing her! Wednesday, you know you can tell us anything."

"I'm not. Just curious, hon."

"Whoa guys, let the girl breathe!" Belle suddenly cut in. Thank God for little sisters. "Wendy just got back. Besides, I have big news too! I made my first two-layer cake the other day."

I shot Belle a grateful smile before turning to her eagerly. "A two-layer cake? No way! When did you start baking?"

Belle grinned, clearly relishing being the center of attention. "I've been shadowing dad for a few months now before actually working part-time."

"What?" I gasped. Now it was my turn to bombard her with questions. As the conversation flowed easily between Belle and me for the rest of the ride, I felt myself relaxing back into the comforting rhythms of home.

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