Against the love - 5

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Read previous chapters to understand 

Armaan felt sick when he looked at himself in the mirror. It was 10 am and exactly 45 mins away from the beginning of  war between him and Abhira. Ever since Abhira left yesterday, he just kept wondering where and how she was. Was she okay? did she sleep properly? As he tightened his coat  he felt a hand on his shoulder. He closed his eyes only to believe it was Abhira. 

"Armaan."  Ruhi whispered 

"Abhir-" Armaan paused when he realized it was Ruhi, he wiped his tears. "What are you doing here?" 

"Why Armaan, can't I enter your room? Even when you saw how Abhira behaved yesterday, you still think of her? why?" Ruhi asked 

"I wish I knew why Ruhi." Armaan said gazing at his watch.

"Yes you know Armaan, even today when you're fighting against her you still dream about Abhira..I don't get it, what effect does she have on you?" Ruhi asked angrily 

"Well Ruhi, I don't have time to re think on this topic, some other day? I'm getting late." Armaan said. 

"Well, good luck for your case. " Ruhi smiled 

"Thanks." Armaan said with a hesitant smile.

The poddars assembled down in the hall. Vidya fed dahi and shakkar to Armaan and everyone blessed Armaan for the case. Dadisa too arrived and they got ready to leave the Poddar mansion. That's when Armaan received a call from Abhira. His heart said he should accept it but seeing his dadisa he declined it. Everyone soon left the mansion and reached exactly on time. Armaan's eyes examined the court room in search of Abhira, but when he didn't see her, his heart felt uneasy. He noticed Dev Sikhawat standing alone. With Abhira's concern in mind, 
he raced towards him but Ruhi pulled him back. 

"Not now Armaan." Ruhi said tightening her girp. 

"Please Ruhi, leave me." Armaan sternly whispered 

"Never." Ruhi said clutching his coat harder

"Ruhi.." Armaan said louder 

"Don't go behind Abhira. She's nobody infront on Dadisa Armaan, hope you realize that." Ruhi said walking away. 


"Let's begin with the case." The judge said. 

"Your honor, People living on Mrs. Kaveri Poddar's land were burnt to ashes by none other than the owner herself, Mrs. Poddar." Dev continued. "Your honor, I would like call the main accused, Mrs Poddar to enter the witness box." 

"Permission granted!" 

As Dadisa enters to witness box a loud shrill voice stops her. Everyone is surprised to see Abhira and Prashant together with a box of evidence. 

"Who's are these people?" The judge asks.

"These are my juniors, your honor." Dev smiles at Abhira. 

"Your honor, before you give a chance to Mrs Poddar to speak, I would like to present video." Abhira asks.

"Permission granted!" 

*Video plays which shows that the builder was the one behind the burning down of the houses." 

"Your honor, this video strongly proves that Mrs. Kaveri Poddar wasn't the one behind the burning down of the houses, but the builder who she trusted by giving 3 lakh rupees. He's the one who got greedy himself and decided to frame Mrs Poddar." 

"Also, the builder himself hired 45 men to burn the houses and to act innocent." Prashant concluded 

"Your honor,  I'd like to get permission to bring one of the men to the witness box." 

"Permission granted!" 

*Scene shows Madhav bringing one  of the men who was involved in the case.*

"So tell us, why did the builder contact you and ask you to burn down the houses?" Abhira asked "Please tell us honestly." 

"  f..frame K..kaveri ji." The man looked down. 

"This proves that the builder wanted to frame Mrs Kaveri Poddar." Prashant said. "Now it's the builder who should be rotting in jail." 

"Y..yes see, I knew it Mrs Poddar was innocent." Armaan cried

"The court has made it's decision to get Mr. Ravi Shukla (builder) arrested and kept in prison for 16 years as per the guidelines!" The judge said "Case dismissed." 

Dev looks at Abhira and Prashant high-fying each other and blesses them. Armaan sees this from the side and burns in jealousy.

"I'm so proud of you both." Dev smiled

"Thank you sir! Aapse hi seekha hai."  Prashant smiled looking over Abhira 

"Definitely! Now I know, which pair I should choose for my next case. Anyways, i need to leave. Good work." Dev said, leaving Prashant and Abhira together in awkward silence. 

"U..uh good work. I'm happy you didn't panic." Prashant said 

"Well, I did but honestly this case meant everything." Abhira replied not realizing how much this bothered Armaan, who was closely watching her. 

"Well, it's nice. So, can we like a while or something?" Prashant asked lowering his gaze. "I mean we did win a case..with Dev sir." 

"Umm not bad. So 4 pm, ice cream shop?"  Abhira asked. 

"Sure!!" Prashant gave her a gummy smile before rushing out in embarrassment. 

Armaan had heard the entire conversation and was fuming at the fact that his wife was going out with a random guy he didn't know. Before he let jealousy eat him alive he grabbed Abhira's wrist and took her outside. 

"What is wrong with you??" Abhira screamed trying to get out of his angry and strong grip. 

"What am I doing? hah! my wife, is planning to hangout with some man who I don't know!" 

"Wife?? I hope you aren't have amnesia episodes because I am not your wife or anything. I left your house yesterday and now I'm not willing to have any relations with you Mr poddar! SO please, celebrate, laugh, enjoy with your family and if possible but with your 'chit wali' girl also. Leave me and Prashant alone. Whether i date him, or not. Mind it. Just  like I was asked to." Abhira said storming off leaving Armaan in anger. 


Hi hry? Against the love will be ending shortly! The next chapter will be interesting, I promise!! 
I kinda copied the court scene cuz I didn't wanna make it annoying by making Abhira win the case and all...
Also about 'ending the book' should I still continue writing os/ts? do tell me!! 

P.S- I released a new book "Tum mile" which is sort of a continuation of Against the love. 
 Do give it a read if possible! 🤍🤍

byeeee <3 

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