25. Let the adventure begin!

488 18 4

Pov. Lloyd

"Nya have you seen my pillow?" Jay asked running around the room. Nya pointed at the said thing that was sitting across from me. I weakly smiled at Jay's silliness. Ever since the spell wore off the effects of the poison intensified with time. Now the only thing I could do was talk and move my head. Even my hands refused to obey me now... I mean if I stay in bed for like a week I technically could walk but only for a maximum of 30 minutes. At least Nya and Kai were kind enough to pack my bags. They always act like my siblings and I like it that way- I did called them sister and brother a few times but meh-

"Guys are you all packed?" I heard Y/n's voice and my head snapped to her. I didn't even hear her... is it the poison?

"Not yet- but almost, how about you?" Kai asked, Y/n lifted a big f/c bag with a smile. Is she going to?

"I'm all done. I'll wait here for you cause it's quite heavy-" She said and put her bag at the door. She then walked up to the couch and sat down next to me

"How are you feeling?" She asked softly. I smiled at her

"A little better... it's a little annoying that I can't move my practically whole body but I'll manage..." I answered quietly cause my throat hurts

"Don't worry once we get the antidote you'll be running around in no time..." she said and gently patted my knee

"Are you going too?" I asked quietly

"Yup- you need someone to navigate there since nearly nothing that's electrical works on that island- Don't worry about Zane he will work-" Y/n reassured me and I nodded

"Besides I've been there couple of times so it's not a big deal" She added. I smiled at her which she quickly returned

"Alright looks like we're set-" Kai said with a smirk and the rest nodded

"Alright then let's pack up I guess?" Y/n said and everyone walked out to get our bags on the bounty.

After a few minutes Kai and Y/n came back for me

"Alright not to get you on the ship..." Kai said while probably thinking how to move me. I caught Y/n rolling her eyes. She then walked up to my and picked my up in bridal style. I yelped quietly

"Holy mother of Spinjitzu- I didn't know you we're that strong-" Kai said kinda shocked. Y/n shrugged

"For me Lloyd is light as a feather..." She answered and we carried me outside and up to the bounty. I could feel eyes on us and blushed slightly

Once on the bounty Y/n set me down on the bridge next to the steering wheel. Nya walked up to the controls and started turning everything on

"Y/n? What about your parents? Won't they come and say goodbye?" I asked softly. She looked at me and smiled

"They already said their goodbyes, but because it's a long day ahead of them they were unable to come right now. Kayla said bye too- She nearly didn't let me go-" She laughed quietly. I gently shook my head

"If you say so-" I said and just then Kai came out of nowhere with his arm around Y/n and a smirk

"Let the adventure begin am I right?" He said and nearly everyome cheered.

Y/n on the other hand heard a familiar voice

Come find me Y/n...

Done (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Y/n's outfit in the media ^

My Princess | Fem!readerxLloydWhere stories live. Discover now