14. Meanwhile in the palace

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Pov. Kai

"Okey so we have nothing? It's been like 3-4 days and they've just vanished without a trace? First Lloyd, then Princess Y/n... I'm starting to have a deja vu, but not a nice one-" I said irritated. We can't find neither of them so either Princess is bad again or they got kidnapped by someone just on different time. I thought to myself while others were talking about possible places they could be. I started to feel my anger getting better of me so I stood up, everyone turned to me.

"I'm going to train." I said sternly and walked out of the room with my head low. I quickly got out of the building and got to the training grounds and started training taking all my anger on the training dummy. When I used the fire bomb on the dummy I heard the doors open, I looked at the doors only to see Kayla awkwardly standing in the doorway.

"Everything alright? You're princesses personal maid right? Kayla?" I asked. She nodded and walked up closer to me previously closing the door.

"Uhm… Hey I've got a question…" she started nervously

"Yeah shoot-" I answered with curiosity.

"How from your perspective Alana acts?" She asked, I looked at her with confusion.

"What do you mean? She is your mother isn't she?" I said with confusion

"I mean yeah she is but for some she's been acting strange and her handwriting changed dramatically…" Kayla said with worried tone "Come on I'll show you-" She said and lead me to her room. She showed me her mother previous and present handwriting and it infact different.

"That's weird… when it happened?" I asked younger girl while looking over the papers, the newest one looks familiar. But from where?

"In like a week, week before the coronation event, She's usually cheerful and kind but now she's just…"

"Acts like she's doing it because she has to? Aka complete opposite of what she was earlier?" I asked. Kayla nodded and gave me another paper. "This is the note that Y/n found earlier, the one that tells us that we have 'a mole' in the castle… to my eyes they're the same…" She said pointing at the papers. And she was right, it looked exactly the same.

"It looks the same, I gotta take this to the team. Kayla come with me-" I said and grabbed her hand walking towards the team room. I opened the door, fortunately everyone were still there.

"Guys! We have hints!" I said with a smirk and put Alana's newest writing and the note. Every letter wa she same looking.

"I'm certain we're on the right path" Zane said with a smile. We all got to making plan. I included Kayla because she's a princesses personal maid and friend she could also be in danger if that 'mole" is still here.

Also since I have two books now I will update one each day (unless I have time)

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