7. Work of a mole

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| Tw. swearing |

Pov. Y/n I was suddenly woke up to Kayla shaking me awake.

"Kayla???? What happend?" I asked sleeply while rubbing my eyes

"Y/n you mother needs you.. like immediately, in the throne room"  Kayla said with a worried face. I looked at her with confused expression but got up and quickly changed into one of my dresses. I put my hair in a tight ponytail and put on the tiara. While I was changing I saw a bit of white powder on my fingers but i thought it was only something from my makeup so washed it away. I then walked out of my room and went towards the throne room. When I got there I saw my mother with mad expression. I dunno where dad go.

"Mom? did you need me?" I asked with confused face

"Why did you do it? I thought I raised a smart and normal girl not that." My mom said with a firm and angry voice. Wait what happen??

"What are you talking about??" I asked even more confused and hurt

"Don't play dumb Y/n. You sneaked out of your room in the middle of the night and installed a spy device in the workplace. Was the letter also your doing?" My mom said and I was taken a back. Spy device? In the workplace??? what's going on today?

"What are you saying mom??? I just woke up, I was asleep all night!" I protested.

"Enough Y/n! We have every evidence that proves it's you!" My mom said

"What evidence????" I asked still confused and hurt

"Your fingerprints were found on the spy device! Y/n why did you do this!?" My mom yelled

"Mom I didn't do anything! Why can't you belive me???"

"I had enough of this! Go to your room you are grounded for a long time!" M/n yelled. I didn't say anything else. I just stormed out of the room but someon blocked my path.

Pov. Lloyd

Yeah i heard the whole conversation. I knew there was something sketchy about that princess. She was just too perfect. I saw her storming out of the throne room so I confronted her.

"Well, Well well.... Look who it is.. What? didn't you know that doing something without gloves usually rats you out?" I said with a smirk, she stopped and looked at me with blank expression.

"Move out of my way." She said rather camly but her voice was breaking a little

"What? Can't face the truth?" 

"I said move." She said and looked down on the floor with her hands turning into fists

"How about no?" I replied

"I order you to move out of my way." She said with pissed off tone

"You really like Harumi. You act the same! What? Just say it! 'You are just like her!'" I said without a breath. But instead of words I was met with her hand slapping me hard across my face. I was stunned for a moment and looked at her. Her hands were curled up in tight wrists but her eyes had tears formimg in them.

"I AM NOTHING LIKE HARUMI!! STOP COMPERING ME TO HER ALL THE TIME! I DID NOTHING TO YOU ALL BUT EVERYONE TREATS ME LIKE SHIT EVEN IN MY OWN HOME!" She screamed. I feel like I went over the line... fuck that wasn't supposed to happend.. 

"Wait liste-"

"No! I won't listen! You will! I don't care about you having trust issues with princesses! You can't Judge a book by it's cover or you'll miss everything that's important!" She yelled and pushed me aside.

"You from all the people should've know this." She said and ran to her room crying. Good job Lloyd, you just made her cry for no reason-


Chapter 7th done :D I can't wait for chapter 9! >:D

(btw all pictures in the media are important to the story form Chapter 5)

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