24. Parent's talk...

537 18 5

Pov. Y/n

"Ha! +4 and change it to green" Lloyd said with a small smile while putting the card out. I sighed and put another +4

"Change to blue." I said simply. The despair in his eyes told me that he didn't have anything to beat that

"Damnit..." Lloyd said quietly and started taking the cards from the deck next to us

"Greenie you're so bad at this-" I said with a giggle

"Not true..." he disagreed quietly

"You lost 5 time's already-" I laughed, Lloyd sighed in defeat but kept his head up

"Six time's a charm-" he tried to reason

"It's usually three but okey-" I giggled and put down a blue 5. Now I had only one card left

"Uno-" I said quietly. Lloyd smiled in triumph and put a +4 again

"And change it to yellow-" He said and I giggled

"Oh no what I'm gonna do now?" I made fake impression of devastated face

"See? I can win if I want to!" Lloyd said with a smile. I shook my head with the quiet giggle

"Well the only thing that is left for me is..." I started and put my +4 on the stack of cards "I won" I finished with a smirk. Lloyd's expression fell instantly.

"Oh come on! How many did you have?!" He asked with defeat, I giggled quietly

"Only two-" I said and heard someone walking in the hallway. Both my parents footsteps to be exact. That super hearing is helpfull sometimes- I looked at the door, Lloyd saw me staring at the door and tilted his head in confusion

"Y/n? You alright?" He asked, I nodded and then my parents walked in

"Hi mom and papa-" I said with a smile which they returned

"Hello sweetie, we're here to ask you something.. or rather talk about something..." My mom said, my interest and concern picked up

"About what?" I asked softly

"About you two... Y/n be honest with me. Lloyd you too... Are you two... together...?" My dad asked and both me and Lloyd blushed.

"We are- why?" I said quietly. My mother sighed

"I'm sorry Y/n but we cannot allow that..." She said and my eyes widened

"Wow, wow, wow- slow down- why I can't date Lloyd?" I asked with concern but also with annoyed expression

"Y/n you're a princess of Ninjago... You're gonna be a Queen one day..." Mom said quietly

"Doesn't prove my point." I reasoned with hands on my hips

"Y/n... Listen to your mother." Dad said. Just then I remembered a thing about them

"How come you could do that with mom and I can't with Lloyd?" I asked, my mom tilted her head

"What do you mean?" She asked

"I remember how papa said that you weren't a royal either-" I turned to dad "but you still married her. So there's no point in your argument." I said with a frown. My parents freezed, I don't think they knew that I knew about it

"How do you know about it?" My papa asked confused

"I overheard you once- you weren't very quiet about it-" I said nervously. I heard my mom sigh, that made me look up at her

"Alright fine... you two can date... but if he breaks your heart I will deal with him." Okey that was scary-

"Got it mom-" I said nodding and turned to Lloyd, but he fell asleep... or passed out- either way he looked content and I smiled... I love him so much...

"Y/n.... Find me..." I heard unfamiliar voice behind me but when I turned around I didn't see anyone

"Probably nothing-" I said quietly and sat down next to my Lloyd enjoying the silence



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