Her Journey

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"These flames are a curse to me."

"What do you mean?"

I couldn't help but ask.

In this world, power meant everything. So finding someone who thought their powers were nothing but a curse was very scarce.

"The last thing I saw in the other world was.... a wall of fire."

"I saw my hometown dyed in crimson flames and amidst the frightening sound of roaring and crackling."

Don't tell me...

"Was it perhaps.... the bombings?"

"I believe so. They call it the bombing of Tokyo, don't they?"

That incident, huh.

"One of my pupil also hails from Japan, and so I've come to understand that is what the incident is called in the history classes."

It was hard for anyone to be not unaware about this in Japan, It was from World War 2 when Japan attacked America's Pearl Harbor with kamikaze pilots, and America retaliated with the bombings in Tokyo, which further escalated into the use of nuclear weapons. In a nutshell, that is, Because the real story involved much more politics than one would have general awareness about but the corruption and greed were the main reasons behind it.

These were truly the Dark times, not for the country, but the ordinary citizens around the world.

"I see. And when you were reincarnated, you came here..."

"Oh, no, I didn't die."


Wait a minute, if she didn't die and came here anyways, wouldn't a lot of years pass by till now? How is she so young?

Seemingly understanding my confusion, she continued.

"A man summoned me here. Although he apparently wanted to summon someone else, not me. He looked quite crestfallen."


What was that?

Déjà vu?

But It felt like my heart was aching or something, which I clearly lack. What's happening?

Shizu was unaware of my mental turmoil as she explained her situation at the time.

"So, he immediately seemed to lose interest in me, but then out of some sort of whim, he attached a fire spirit to me. It gave me the power to manipulate the flames. It allowed me to live in this foreign world by helping me recover from some awful injuries but it was also a curse. Because it was that very power that took the people most precious to me. And Ever since, I've been afraid of getting too close to others."

"But it is nice to have companions. I met some pleasant people here on my final journey. They trust one another and thus bicker openly about anything they want. Although they are a bit reckless, they're good adventurers."

"Maybe not the most talented though."

I'll pretend I didn't hear her last sentence. Well, she isn't wrong, but still, let's keep that to myself.

But she survived a war, then got dragged here by mistake, only to be placed under a curse. And then she wound up with rather silly friends.

She's truly had a tough life, yet she doesn't seem hardened by it. Yes, she may just be keeping it close into her heart. But I wouldn't know how to express it if I was in her place.

She's really ... Kind.

I wish Hiiro could meet her as well.

Even so, few of her words stuck to me the most.

The way She said, final journey. Why?

Immediately after I thought that, I sensed someone running in the direction of the housing we were staying at the moment in a tremendous pace.

And From what I could sense, it's Rigurd.

Looks like there is some sort of emergency.

I wanted to take a walk with Shizu to hear more about her story, but it seems I'll have to take a raincheck on that.

Maybe sometime later today? I'll have to ask her.

Then someone hastily opens the doors, or rather the clothes that were serving as the door. It was none other than Rigurd.

Huff Huff.

Surprised by the sudden entrance, everyone looks at him.

"What is it, Rigurd?"

I asked him, ready to move to tackle any type of emergency thrown my way.

After taking a deep breath, he speaks to me. His voice anxious yet with a hint of hidden joy.

"Lord Rimuru, Sir Hiiro is awake!!!"


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