The Start

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Back in the Goblin village, a week had passed since Rimuru's departure to recruit help for the village.

During his absence, several changes had swept through the settlement but the most noticeable being a significant surge in the number of goblins residing there.

It had only been three days since these newcomers arrived, seeking refuge and protection from the village's benevolent lord.

When they first stumbled upon the village, they appeared as a ragtag group of emaciated individuals, barely clinging to life due to starvation and exhaustion.

Yet, within this short span of time, a miraculous transformation had taken place. Their eyes, once dull and lifeless, now brimmed with newfound determination. Their frail bodies, once mere skeletons, showed signs of vitality as they enjoyed nourishing meals, and their complexions had regained a healthy glow.

Laughter echoed through the village, the joyful sounds of children playing filling the air and bringing smiles to their parents' faces.

However, beneath their newfound happiness lingered a trace of sorrow, for they knew that this idyllic interlude might soon draw to a close with a single decision.

Still, they cherished every moment of this fleeting happiness.

The male goblins had seamlessly integrated with their hobgoblin counterparts, collaborating on various tasks such as hunting, scouting, cooking, and patrolling.

Despite the ominous knowledge that this camaraderie might be short-lived, although a tinge of sadness, there was no despair or regret in their interactions.

And Instead, they worked together with cheerful determination, determined to make the most of their time together.

The individual responsible for fostering this sense of unity observed the heartwarming scene from a nearby hill.

Seeking solace in the shade of a majestic, ancient tree, he watched over the village from a place that had become his second home nowadays.

There were no emotional attachments to this place, but the gentle, cool breeze, the comforting shade, and the clear view of the village made it his favored spot.

During leisure moments, he often sought refuge here, accompanied by either Ranga, his loyal wolf companion, or Hikari, a female Goblina known for her beautiful appearance.

Occasionally, his friend and brotherly figure, Rimuru, would join them.

However, on this particular day, he sat alone, his gaze fixed on the bustling village below.

Ever since Rimuru's departure, his responsibilities had multiplied by a lot. The addition of a group of 500 goblins had significantly increased his workload.

Now, he found himself frequently occupied with tending to the children or entertaining them.

The children, who harbored no malice, would eagerly rope him into their games until exhaustion overcame them and they drifted into slumber.

While he didn't particularly mind this, it did become somewhat tiresome to be constantly used as a plaything. Due to his unique slime body, the children held him in high regard, a sentiment that was extended to the adults as well, who observed these interactions.

However, no one dared to touch him or comment on the situation, fully aware that his patience was reserved solely for the youngsters.

Should anyone else attempt such liberties, their actions would be met with swift and decisive consequences, both for their hands and their heads.

After managing to find a brief respite from his duties and the energetic children, Hiiro had sought out this place for a few moments of tranquility.

But, instead of peace, he discovered a tumultuous storm brewing within his heart. He couldn't quite grasp why he was feeling this way, and the sensation left him utterly bewildered.

In the past, he could always rely on Rimuru to provide answers to questions about his emotions and inner turmoil, but right now, he was alone without anyone to turn to.

Maybe that was cause in itself. He had no one around him leaving him completely alone, a feeling he experienced very often before encountering Rimuru and Veldora.

Although to him, after developing consciousness, it might be a new experience, leaving him in distress.

What was this unfamiliar feeling, and why was it gripping him so tightly?

Hiiro was at a loss.

It resembled the emotions he had experienced when he first met Hikari.

Even the sight of the ragged group of goblins outside the village a few days ago had managed to stir something deep within him which normally was quite impossible. He took pride in controlling his every aspect of his body.

But some of the parts inside him were not functioning according to his will.

Something that he was only beginning to understand.

"...What is happening to me?"

Hiiro voiced his confusion aloud, not expecting an answer from anyone. However, to his astonishment, a response came, even though there was no one else around.

<Answer: Individual Hiiro is currently in a phase where his emotional development is taking place; hence, your emotions might not be stable.>

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now