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Ohhh!!! That's why. No wonder, they were leaving me hanging.

It dawned on me again, that the customs from my past life might not necessarily hold true here. Well, it was just a simple toast, so I thought they at least knew that much.

But then again, they weren't even human, and this custom probably never made it into this forest, even if it was practiced in other places in this world.

So, I taught them how to make a toast amidst their overly exuberant celebration. The cheers were so thunderous and filled with excitement, you'd think I had just won the World Cup or become the president of a nation.

But amidst the revelry, I had a lot of work cut out for me, and one thing took priority over everything else.



You might be wondering, why clothes?

Well, it wasn't much of a problem for me, mostly because I was a Slime. The real issue was with the females, or rather, the so-called Goblinas.

And speaking of that term, who even came up with it? Goblinas? Seriously? That was the best they could come up with? They should have just stuck with "Female Goblins" for simplicity and practicality.

After the evolution, it wasn't the male goblin that grew in size, the female goblins were no exceptions and Oh boy!, did they grew. if you know what I mean.

There assets were more or less visible through the small ragtag of clothes they were wearing and let me tell you this, their peaks were on verge of coming out of the veil, which was a very erotic situation. They don't seem to have a built-in sense of shame, I mean just look at them.

I couldn't even keep my eyes focused and let's be honest it wasn't my fault. The males, however, didn't seem to mind it as they were perfectly satisfied with meal laid before there eyes as they were constantly peeking at the Female Goblins.

Sigh! Males, How envio- I mean, This is Unacceptable.



I needed to address this issue as soon as possible, and it was one of the reasons why I wanted to recruit people with skills that could help us in this situation. Although I was saddened by the fact that I had lost my little junior down there, I couldn't dwell too much on it as I had no other choice but to accept the reality.


The next day,

"Everyone gather around! Lord Rimuru has an important announcement to make."

Rigurd's voice echoed throughout the village, and I watched as goblins began to gather around the tree stump where Hiiro and I were seated, as was our usual custom. However, this time, Hiiro was perched on top of Ranga, whose size had grown to be more or less the same as the tree stump after sitting down. Hikari stood behind him with her eyes closed. Some goblins were just waking up, as it was quite early in the morning.

There was a murmur of voices...



"What kind of announcement?"

"It could be anything."

"Kyaa~ Lord Rimuru looks so regal today."

"Will it be another feast?"

"I got to rub down Lord Rimuru's body yesterday."

"Awww. Lucky!"


"Ha-ha-ha Hey, Not Now."

"By the way, when did he get that mustache?"

"I bet whatever he is thinking is pretty deep."

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now