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As Hiiro remained in her embrace, he detected a faint sound, akin to quiet sobbing. He stayed there with her for a prolonged moment until the child began to speak.

"...My mom and dad died because of me."

Her voice trembled with emotion as she recounted the harrowing tale of her village's attack, her parents' tragic demise, and her subsequent arrival in this unfamiliar village as the lone survivor.

".....if only I was strong."

As Hiiro listened to the girl's lament, her words echoing with sadness, loneliness, regret, and anger at her own perceived helplessness, he couldn't help but empathize with her emotions. He, too, had grappled with these feelings in the past, particularly when confronted with an entity as overwhelming as Veldora during their time inside the cave. Even now, with his growing familiarity and shared name with Veldora, Hiiro knew that he would have been utterly powerless if Veldora had been an enemy. Witnessing Rimuru, the sole companion he had grown close to, boldly approaching the dangerous and intimidating dragon had left him feeling helpless and incapable of action.

In many ways, Hiiro saw a reflection of his own past self in this child. However, there was a crucial misunderstanding he needed to address. With great care, he emulated the vocal glands that Rimuru often employed to communicate, to convey his thoughts to the girl.

"...Do you remember your parents' last words?"

He asked in a voice that took the girl by surprise, leaving her momentarily speechless.

"They loved you so much that they went as far as to sacrifice themselves, so that you could survive."

Her parents' love for her was unwavering. Their last moments were dedicated to ensuring her survival. She recalled her mother's last words, urging her to live on, and the image of her father's selfless act to protect them.

"They didn't save you so that you could drown here in sadness and regret."

The weight of her parents' sacrifice was undeniable, and she knew deep down that they had entrusted her with a precious legacy.

"...But....I don't know what I should do now..." she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty and sorrow.

What should she aim for now? Her parents. Gone. Village. Gone. It wasn't a surprise why she felt that way. If a person who you depended upon with your whole life suddenly disappeared, it was very natural to feel that way.

"..Like your mother said, 'Survive'." Hiiro offered gently, understanding the immense weight of her loss.

The girl's eyes went wide as she was surprised to hear that, the words echoing the last advice from her mother. But Hiiro continued, his words filled with compassion.

"...Even now, there are still many dangers surrounding us. You need to survive from them in the coming future."

The forest of Jura had many other powerful monsters, and direwolves were just one of many threats. Moreover, with the Storm Dragon Veldora's presence now gone, other nations might start invading for resources. In this chaotic situation, even just surviving would be a very difficult task.

"...And become strong enough to prevent this tragedy from ever happening again."

As he spoke these words, Hiiro's thoughts drifted to his own past, to the time when he was alone and powerless, much like this child. The empathy in his heart was evident, and it reassured her that she wasn't truly alone.

Hiiro and the child didn't speak after that. Her eyes, once hazy and lost, had transformed into a determined gaze. In the silence and gentle breeze of the night, the girl fell asleep while hugging Hiiro in her arms, her heart filled with newfound resolve and the comforting presence of her newfound friend.

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now