Building Blocks

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Dean's pov

The remainder of winter passed by pretty smoothly, both weatherwise and at home with the family. After whipping Alex's ass for his participation in the whole reckless driving fiasco and spanking Katie's little butt for disrespecting Amy, the kids have been on their best behavior. Well that's a bit of a reach but other than a few minor incidents, all has been calm in the House of Winchester. The change in season, ushering in blooming Spring buds and balmy temps has put everyone in a much more pleasant mood, including yours truly.

I just got done with my Saturday shift and I'm so glad I'm home. No screaming or crying upon entering through the side door. Excellent sign. It's quiet, almost too quiet though. Oh good, now I hear voices coming from the living room.

Amy was on the couch reading and Drew and Katie were sitting on the floor playing with Katie's massive tub of Legos and Drew's coffee can filled with little green army men.

"Hi, honey. How was your day?" Amy asked, as I bent down to give her a kiss.

"Awful," I stated, shaking my head. "You don't even want to know. Trust me."

"Awww, I'm sorry, baby," Amy replied, patting my arm in consolation. "I feel guilty now since we've been having such a great day. Haven't we, kids?"

"Yeah, Daddy, we went out for breakfast and me and Alex got giant waffles covered in whip cream and butter and chocolate syrup. They were so awesome!" Katie exclaimed excitedly.

"That sounds great, honey. I'm sorry I missed it," I replied, sighing sadly, giving my little girl a kiss on the top of her head. Why do I always miss out on the rare times when the kids are on their best behavior and waffles are involved? Another one of life's mysteries that shall remain unsolved.

"Daddy," Drew said, tugging impatiently on my sleeve to get my attention.

"Hey, little buddy," I replied, smiling down at him as I ruffled his hair.

"Me and Mr. Sam had pancakes stacked up so tall, they almost touched the ceiling," he squealed with glee, standing on his tiptoes, reaching for the sky.

"That sounds awesome, bud. Who ate more of 'em? You or Sammy?" I asked, knowing it was probably a close contest since Drew is a bottomless pit and my little brother eats like a bird.

"I did," Drew announced proudly, sticking out his pudgy round tummy.

"No way," I replied, acting shocked as I picked him up.

"Uh huh," Drew affirmed, patting his stomach. "I ate four..." He held up four fingers to show me how many. "And Mr. Sam only ate two." He held up two fingers, grinning broadly at his accomplishment.

"Pretty soon you're gonna be so big and strong I won't be able to lift you off the ground," I teased, tickling his stomach. I love hearin' this kid giggle.

"Why don't you sit down and relax, honey. I'll grab you a beer," my sweet sexy woman offered.

"No, I'll get it," I replied, stopping her before she got up. Setting Drew down so he could get back to playing, I told Amy, "I want to grab a few cookies while I'm in there."

"I should've known," Amy joked, getting back to her book.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the fridge, snagging three cookies from the cookie jar on my way out.

"Hey, what we buildin'?" I asked, taking a seat cross-legged next to Drew on the floor.

"A tower!" Drew practically shouted, he was so excited.

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