Chapter 21

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I woke up the next morning in Kaiden and I's bed. He was still with me surprisingly, he usually has work in the morning and always wakes up before me. I rolled over on my side, now facing Kaiden. He was still fast asleep, I laid my head on his chest feeling the rise and fall of his breath. I liked moments like this. If our relationship was only the sweet moments I think I would already be in love. That's all a girl really wants right? All we want is to be loved and taken care of. We want someone to hold onto when things get hard. Someone to share new memories with. Someone to stand by your side no matter what. I've always deep down wanted that, I saw my friends in relationships growing up, some bad and some good and I was always jealous of the good ones. I never was jealous of my friend, just jealous that I hadn't found my person yet.

After a few moments I felt his hand slide up to my thigh. I closed my eyes and hoped he was still asleep because I didn't want this moment to end. I knew he was definitely awake when he took his other arm wrapping it arm me, pulling me into him even closer. "Good morning" I said to him in my sleepy voice.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said in his husky voice. I never thought I would think a voice could be as hot as his but it was.

"You slept in with me?" I questioned.

He opened those dark eyes of his looking at me with lust yet admiration. "I'm not going to work today. You said you wanted alone time away from the castle so I'm granting your wish today." he told me with a big smile on his face.

"So where are we going then?" I asked him. I was so happy to leave this place for a little bit. Don't get me wrong the castle grounds are beautiful but I feel so closed in here. All I want is just a little bit of freedom. Being here has made me appreciate things that before I didn't realize were such luxuries.

"Our family owns a lake house in the mountains I think you might like," he told me.

"I think I might like that a lot. Can we go swimming? Is there a boat? Can we go fishing? Oh! I'm so pushing you into the lake when you're not paying attention."

He chuckled when I said that. He brushed his hand through my hair. I loved it when he brushed through my hair or even gave me little head scratches. "Yes, yes and yes. If you push me in the water I'm dragging you down with me." As much as I want to hate him he does things that make me want to love him. "You need to pack your bags, we are leaving in an hour. I have to go work on a few things before we leave, it won't take me long."

He gently pushed me off of him then left me lying on the bed while he left the room to go do some work. I laid there for a couple minutes then I got up and took a shower. I quickly did my hair just straightening it. I then went to the closest to pack my bags. I didn't know how many days we were staying so I texted Kaiden to check. He told me we were staying 2 days. I started organizing all the clothes I thought I might need into a bag, then about after an hour Kaiden came into the room telling me it was time to go.

Kaiden had already packed his bags the night before and they were already in the back of his car. He had my bags and put them in his bags. Before I knew it he had already opened the passenger side door gesturing me to get in.
"You're such a gentleman" I said, smirking at him right before I got into the car.

"Only for you," he told me, closing the door once I sat down in the seat. I wonder if he's ever treated anyone the way he's treated me. I would like to say I'm the only one but I will forever have my doubts.

The car ride wasn't too bad, only about 3 hours. I forced Kaiden to listen to my music the whole time. I don't think he appreciated it when I started screaming the lyrics to the songs but he would just have to deal with it. I ain't stopping anytime soon.

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