Chapter 11

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The next week was uneventful at least to me. I didn't see Kaiden very much, he only came at night to check on me. He would yell at me a bit about my behavior and my I am the way I am. He also seemed more stressed than normal but never told me what was going on.

I may have caused some problems in the meantime but Kaiden wasn't doing anything about it other than trying to convince me to change. The guards hate me currently and are always manhandling me because of the things I do.

I had given a guard a black eye, I slammed a guard into a wall, and I punched one in the gut. Like I said they hate me and for good reasons.

I've noticed that the girls here are so scared of the men that if one of them is being "bad" they will immediately stop what they are doing when in the presence of a man.

The other noble girls would tell me stories about what has happened to them. The abuse and the human rights that are violated in this country is unreal. Not many of the noble women get to feel the full heat of the abuse but the lower social classes do.

Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones but I don't feel like it. It may be because even just being here and experiencing things is just a shock to my normal. But it shouldn't matter.

The more and more time I spend here the more I want to leave. This place is bizarre and I don't fit in whatsoever. The girls here are only used for sex, that's all the men want. All they want is a girl who will obey their every command. I was always raised to be the opposite.

I was taught how to make one bow at my knees for my love. My dad always told me that I should be a woman of respect, to not let just anyone be with me. To find the exceptional one that respects, cares, and truly loves me for who I am.

When I was younger I wasn't as pretty and I saw that guys are only intionaly attracted to the outside. But I wanted to love my inside. Because when I became considered what society perceives as hot the more I experienced guys just being insensitive because they only saw the outside but never the inside.

No matter how hard I tried I could never get a guy to wrap their head around that I was still a person. And that I shouldn't just be used for sex cause I'm attractive.

Kaiden had come and saw me tonight. He just asked about my day and questioned me on why I was the way I was one again. I don't really talk to him much, I just say the bare minimum until he leaves.

I will usually cry myself to sleep at the end of the day. Is it healthy, definitely not. But it's how I'm coping right now. I will wait until Kaiden leaves me for the night and then let my emotions take over my mind.

I was in my bed huddled up in the corner. Where the bed met the wall. My knees were tucked to my chest and I was crying into them.

It was pitch black and everything was silent when the door opened. The light from the hallway seeped into my room lighting it. Kaiden walked in and began searching for something.

Before he found whatever he was looking for he must've seen me and the state I was in. He quickly turned around and came towards me.

He leaned down on the bed hovering over my frantic body with a concerned look in his eyes. "Are you ok, what's wrong?"

He looked up at him with my tear filled eyes. "Nothing I'm fine, just go please" I could barely even put out the words.

I wanted to be alone and I was in my most vulnerable state right now. I didn't know what I was going to say.

"Well you don't look fine to me" he said, coming closer. "Just tell me what's wrong" I could feel he knew I was different it was kind of hard to miss at this point. None of the girls would ever even dream of the acting the way I did because they were all too scared.

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