🌈✨⭒✰ 28 ' the full lore.. AGAIN!

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guys i lied the next chapter is just the entire backstory but rewritten /hj

i wanted to go ahead and feed you guys with this lore incase i go missing for another 1-2 months, so here you guys go! about 19k words of pain and suffering! (/lh)

this is mostly the same as the first loredump i did in this book, however, some parts have been amended, deleted, and even added.. keep reading to find out <3


Once upon a time, the universe was created with what we know as the Big Bang.

And the Big Bang, along with the birth of the universe, birthed the beginning of magic. This magic comes in many forms, but the magic we are looking at right now is the magic of the celestial bodies. The interstellar magic harnessed by three Gods.

The first one was Asteria, Goddess of the light and the stars.

The second one was Umbra, Goddess of darkness and the void.

The third one, the youngest, was Aldrin, God of the light and stars.

The three were considered siblings due to their close dates of birth. Then again, the universe was still expanding, so it would have been impossible for an actual birth estimate. Time was faster than the speed of sound; it was like a bullet train.

The siblings were inseparable. Divine. Powerful. With a snap of their fingers, miles and miles of matter would overwhelm the area they were standing in. A tap of their foot could delete an entire Solar System, if the Gods desired. The Gods could move stars with swipes of their hands. The Gods were powerful enough to do more than what a human could even think of as powerful. The Gods were more than magic itself. The Gods.. just were.

As the Gods expanded the universe, they slowly became more aware of what wonders their subconscious minds would manifest into this realm. The three Gods created what we know as the Milky Way Galaxy. The creation of the Milky Way Galaxy snowballed into the creation of more galaxies, such as the Andromeda Galaxy. They created the first celestial bodies- black holes, planets, asteroids, comets.. they conjured stars of all shapes and sizes. The stars that were unfortunate to have lost their light did not lose their spirit. Passionate explosions of new life, supernovas, coated the night skies, and the cycle of extraterrestrial life began again. They were the masterminds behind our Solar System: the Sun, the Moon, and Earth. The universe expanded, thanks to the sibling's reign.

Asteria, being the most powerful of the siblings, took the lead in forming our universe. Aldrin helped his older sister, polishing the details and correcting any errors Asteria may have overlooked. Umbra maintained the balance of darkness and light by filling in Asteria and Aldrin's blanks with dark matter. Where there is everlasting light in the North, there should be never ending darkness in the South. Where there is light, there is darkness. Where there is creation, there is destruction. And vice versa.

Due to the Gods omnipotence, they've discovered a couple of realms outside of their usual creations, possibly from the darker depths of their subconsciousness- it's possible to create something out of their own thoughts. The Gods didn't have a choice to ignore this creation, in fact, they embraced it with open arms, willing to step into the unknown depths their minds had to offer..

Beyond the bounds of the waking world, below the realm of dreaming. There was the perfect equilibrium, known as AX1S.

AX1S was a mystical land full of prosperity and personality. The infinite plane of chromatic, crystalline-covered grounds span for trillions and trillions of miles, as vast as the universe was itself. The ground was like a mirror, casting a permanent reflection of what was above. Sprouting from the ground were prismatic crystals, opening themselves to the colorful world outside. No matter the time, the sky would always be a watercolor rainbow, packed with varying hues of pastels. It was unbelievably stunning, nothing mankind could even imagine existing.

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