🌈✨⭒✰ 5 ' the other two strikers AND lore!

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HEYY GUYSSS its day thres of the MP log challenge!! just a reminder, if you haven't already, join mahou planet! it's my discord server dedicated to magical girls, but any subliminal user can join :)) we have so much fun there and it's rlly cool!! you can find the link in the comments of this chapter and in my discussion board (idk why its called a conversation board like be for real who am i talking to HDKJHJJFH)

like i said b4, nothing really happens to me on weekends since i stay inside all day, so today is gonna be ANOTHER lore dump on my concept!

to recap, last loredump, we introduced the first three star strikers and their purpose. to refresh your memory, atlas, bryan, and georgia (ME) were the first three. but you guys may remember me mentioning there were five star strikers. who are the other two??!?! are they still in the process of being made?!?!? WHO ARE THEY??!?!?

well, to add the final two pieces together, we're gonna have to expand on the entire asteria and umbra drama i told you guys about last time. i mentioned umbra was at asteria's throat because of asteria's creation, soul stars, AKA the core processor of human dreams, but that's not it. we have to go WAAAAYYYY back. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY back to the beginning of the fucking universe.

asteria, aldrin, and umbra's job was to originally expand the universe to begin human life. i quote, from my script: 

"The siblings [Asteria, Aldrin, Umbra] were inseparable. Divine. Powerful. But with great power comes great responsibility. With instinct, the three Gods begun creating what we know as the Milky Way Galaxy. And the creation of the Milky Way Galaxy snowballed into the creation of more galaxies, such as the Andromeda Galaxy. The Gods were doing their job, as expected. They were creating the first celestial bodies- black holes, planets, asteroids, comets.. the arguably most important of the bunch was stars." 

that's basically what they do!

one night, asteria wished that she wanted to protect the universe from all harm. then, within her, a soul star formed from the strength of her dream!! it happened right here:

"Asteria gently pushed the star back into her chest. It disappeared, and so did the light.

"The star that came from the depths of my soul.. I shall name it a Soul Star."

"Soul Star." Aldrin repeated to himself. "I like that. It sounds right.""

umbra, after seeing this, wondered if she could have a soul star as well. after all, asteria was able to get one! 

later on, aldrin got his soul star by wishing the gods latest creation (which was earth) was safe of all harm. asteria then predicts more soul stars would form on earth, which, she was right ofc! this also means humans can bear soul stars as long as they make a wish. i quote from my script:

"Asteria's prediction was right; the energy emitted by Soul Stars was evident on Earth. Soul Stars with vast dreams from "I wish my family stayed healthy" to "I wish I had a wealthy future" piqued the Gods interests. And all of the Soul Stars they had spotted in the past changed a persons life. Families laughed together as they shared news, gossip, and piping hot tea. Hard-working individuals were receiving a surplus of money and financial support. It seems like Soul Stars were truly working in humanity's favor."

asteria and aldrin were happy as they could be, knowing humanity was at their peak (to be fair this was likely during the 1500s so idk maybe people are still dying /lh)

umbra was NOT happy. 


well, she had no soul star! it was like EVERYONE had a soul star except for HER!!! i quote from my script:

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