🌈✨⭒✰ 26 ' who are the star strikers, take TWO

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HEYY GUYSSSS HAPPY MONDAY! i hope you guys are doing well because i am !! and i'm ready to loredump about my concept a little!

if you guys aren't too familiar with the star strikers mentioned in the previous chapters, i'd recommend you guys read that. i'll be keeping a lot of similar ideas stated before, but with a couple of changes.

who are the star strikers?

star strikers itself is a unit consisting of two subunits: star strikers stellium axis, and star strikers soul retribution. together, we make star strikers: stellium retribution as a full team!

stellium axis remains the same; i kept atlas, bryan, and ian in the team and removed chara as 1. there's a new purple guy in town and 2. i removed x-tale as a au entirely from my concept. x-gaster, who was originally going to be a twist villain, is replaced with a new character who'll take his role. incase you guys need a recap of stellium axis:

- atlas (18, he/him): the soul of patience and star striker apollo. a mature, hard-working, and emotionally unresponsive person. works himself to death half the time and still doesn't have enough time to goof around. he's gotta have a break SOMETIME. dad #1 and gay in denial.

- bryan (16, he/they/any): the soul of kindness and star striker beatrix. crazy as all hell but we love him. loves getting into all kinds of situations, but hates not realizing the situations he gets into. he treats decisions as impulses. don't play tic tac toe with him.

- georgia (16, any pronouns): that's me! i'm the soul of inspiration/imagination and star striker cosmotique. if you wanna read more about me, check out my introduction or my carrd. pee

- ian (19, he/she): the soul of determination and star striker erebus. dad #2 and gay as all hell. a sucker for found family, the star strikers, and acdc (idk acdc i guess ian does HDKSDJFG). still can't accept the fact he's the child of the main villains, but he will. maybe. stole my moms cosmetology license.

soul retribution is where the big changes come in. yes, i removed x-tale from my concept, but i caved into my undertale rp hyperfixation and added canonical undertale (well at least kinda canon, fallen humans have lore & names i inspired off of my friend's ocs, undertale yellow, and my own headcanons) to my concept! here are the four new children to the soul retribution subunit:

- ray (22, he/him): the soul of perseverance and star striker xenon. he's.. very full of himself, thinking he's on the top of the world all the time. he's very prideful of his family name, knowing they are one of the richer families out there. ray is his own worst enemy. he originates from one of my friend's perseverance ocs.

- mel (20, she/her): the soul of integrity and star striker nebulae. she's a calm soul and usually de-escalates conflicts. she values honesty and dislikes the government. she also DESPISES the labels "upper class"/"lower class" for various reasons. an elegant dancer with a compassionate heart. she originates from undertale: kindred spirits.

- axel (20, he/him): the soul of bravery and star striker perseus. he's a fierce dude with balls of steel, running head-first into every confrontation. a fighter who also likes to fish with his dad. more athletic than you are, likely. fights fire with even more fire, expecting for it to burn out. he originates from my friend's bravery oc.

- clover (16, they/he): the soul of justice and star striker calypso. the youngest of the retribution squad and the youngest star striker, but doesn't let that get in their way. pretty quiet but strong type, VERY much an extroverted introvert and has a strong sense of justice.

at first, the two subunits are separated. eventually, the 8 come together, and manage to free asteria, save AX1S, and save everyones dreams.

what the fuck are we doing?

easy question: we have three main goals..

1. free asteria, goddess of the stars, from umbra's gay baby jail

2. save AX1S, a plane between reality and dreaming. this used to be the home to pixii, spirits that bond with humans of the same SOUL type to help them achieve their dreams. once umbra attacked, the pixii had to retreat to earth, abandoning their home. we're going to restore AX1S.

3. protect everyone's dreams. DUH. what did you think we were, magical?? we're magical HEROES!

we're also fighting totality team, aka tds solar eclipse event in a different font but SHHHHH I LOVE THEM OK

what's the progress with this concept?

going very good! i've finished writing everything separately and it's up to me to script it. i've been in a depression hole lately so i haven't got to script as often as i do, however, my new and improved star strikers script should be done by.. i'm estimating probably march-april. a long deadline, but considering all we gotta do is copy and paste 80% of the stuff from my old script to my new one, it shouldn't take long at all :)

that's pretty much it! if you have any questions regarding my concept, feel free to drop them here or in my discord server, mahou planet, where i have a whole forum dedicated to this concept :))

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