Chapter 23 - "Is it wrong to like a guy?"

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I place my hands on my knees, breathing heavy as I finally reach the door to seungmins house. I must've set a world record by how quickly I ran here, but without hesitation, I lift my fist and knock on the door.

My mind was running races, my heart was pounding from the running, and I was also extremely nervous.

Seungmin was crying. Of course I'm going to be upset! I don't know what could have made him in that way.

Possibilities were circling my mind.

But it's clear I need to be there for him. It's what I was put on this earth to do.

"Seungmin!" I knock again, a little harder this time as I try to peer through the small window on the door.

Just as I was about to lift my hand to knock a 3rd time, the door opens, and a middle aged woman steps infront of me.

Her hair was put back in a messy ponytail, she was in her pajamas, and her glasses were a bright red. "Jeez has your mother not taught you patience?" She mumbles under her breath before putting on  sweet smile, "What brings you here honey?"

I immediately recognize the woman and my breath hitches. It was seungmins mother. I've seen her around, but in this moment, me standing outside their door, brings back so many memories.


"Hold on." She squints at me, her smiles slowly falling, "You're that boy... who lives next door." Her expressions turns into a scowl as she recognizes me, "What are you doing here!?"

I didn't even care to look presentable infront of my crushes mother, I knew my hair was probably stuck to my forehead and my breathing was raggedy. All that mattered right now was Seungmin.

"I need to see seungmin!" I say quickly and loudly. I brush my hair out of my eyes and try to collect my worn out self as a scoff sounds from the woman.

"No you don't. Go back home hun." She says in a patronizing tone, shooing me with her hand while a fake smile returns to her lips.

I was almost about to run past the woman and book it up the stairs and try to find seungmin, but the boy comes down first.

And it felt like my world stopped.

Seungmin runs down the stairs, tears covering his cheeks and pouring out his eyes. His face was scrunched up in sadness as he ran to me, pushing past his mother.

On instinct, my arms open and the boy comes crashing them. Immediately, he places his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me, crying into my neck.

"Seungmin..." My voice breaks as I hold him in my arms. His body was shaking with sobs and I felt an overwhelming amount of emotions in me.

Seungmins mother rolls her eyes and scoffs again, "Of course you run all dramatic to your little boyfriend huh?" She drops her sweet act and looks at seungmin with disgust, "Why can't you just be a real man like everyone else!"

Seungmins sobs get stronger as I rubs his back, my eyes glaring at Seungmins mother. Almost in disbelief. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me," She places her hands on her hips and glares at us, "This kid can't even talk or act normal! No matter what I fucking do!"

Is this what seungmin had been living with his whole life? I always saw Seungmins mother as a somewhat of sweet woman, maybe a bit controlling and obviously homophobic. But this was next level.

I never knew this woman was this vile, and it took every cell in me not to punch her.

Instead I look at her, my eyes sad in disappointment, "Is that what you really think?"

From afar - SeungjinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora