Chapter 22 - The cool kids table

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"Okay so the one with the full cheeks is Han Jisung, don't talk to him for too long otherwise your brain will rot."

Seungmin giggles, "Don't be m-mean Hyunjin."

I lead the younger through the crowded cafeteria and toward our lunch table. Both of our lunches were balanced on my arms as seungmin trailed behind me. I could tell he was a bit nervous but I think he's becoming more comfortable with the idea of meeting my friends.

He even said something about how, 'if it's with you I'll be fine.' Like oh my fucking god? Wouldn't you fold if Kim Seungmin said that to you? Because yes there are hearts floating in my eyes now.

"Chan hyung is the Australian one and Minho hyung is jisungs boyfriend." I look back to the boy who was following behind me, "Got that?"

"Kinda?" The boy says quietly.

"It's okay Minnie. You're going to get along great with them. They already know a lot about you baby." I say while we get closer to our table, ignoring the way seungmins face lit up a bright red at the petname.

"Y-you talk about me?"

A flustered smile emerges on my face, "Youre really the only thing I talk about."

The two of us arrive to the table with red faces and flustered expressions. Minho was peacefully eating his food and occasionally bringing a bite to Jisungs mouth while jisung and Chan played a game on their phones. Jisung was about to jump out of his seat over him 'dying' in the game and something about how 'Chan won't heal him'

I clear my throat as seungmin slowly grips his hand around the hem of my shirt. The boys immediately look up and the phone in Jisungs hand was long forgotten and he looked at seungmin with a bigger smile.

"Guys..." I turn to the boy beside me, "Meet Kim Seungmin."

Seungmin shyly smiles and waves his hand, warning himself a coo from almost all of us there.

"Aish he's cuter up close." Chan smiles and waves back at seungmin, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Chan."

Jisung was the next to say something, he bounced in his seat with eyes of awe, "Wah you're such a cutie seungmin-ah! I'm so happy to finally meet you! We should go to McDonald's together someday!"

Seungmin nervously smiles to the boy, looking to me for a second before looking back to the boys as Minho smiles, "I'm Lee Minho. Nice to meet you Seungmin."

"N-nice to... meet you guys." Seungmin says quietly, probably not even heard by jisung who was sitting the farthest away.

With that, I send the younger a smile before sitting down on the bench next to Chan. Seungmin follows me and sits close at my side, practically on top of me from how close he was.

But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that seungmin is clingy af. And I couldn't love it more. He was obviously very nervous, so I reach my hand down and entertwine our fingers under the table.

"You okay Minnie?" I whisper to make sure no one else hears it as we begin to unravel our lunch.

"Y-yes, thank.. you."

I smile as I open my chopsticks. Jisung, who was still cooing over seungmins cuteness, opens his mouth. And the line of questions come out.

"Favorite color?"


"Who's more handsome, me or Chan?"

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