Chapter 3 - Facing fears

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The boy waddles over, pulling his backpack off his back and places it next to the desk before taking a seat in the chair next to me.

There's no fucking way

My face must've been bright red.

Yes seungmin and I have gone to the same schools since primary, but I've never sat next to him! I mean we live in Seoul, there are a lot of students in the schools so I guess I was never lucky enough to sit by him, let alone be partners with him.

I try to stare forward to avoid the boys eyes so that he doesn't see my red face. My breathing was and my heartbeat were no longer under my control. Thankfully, the teacher begins talking. I don't think I've ever said those words but at this moment I was happy the man opened his mouth before seungmin and I got to say anything

"Alright! So everyone's got a partner? Yay!!!" The teacher claps excitingly, "Alright so this project is going to be one that will require work to be done outside of school. So the first thing I want you guys to do is trade numbers with your partners! Unless you two have other plans, looking at you Macy!" He points to Macy who loudly groaned at the fact she had gotten the sleeping Jun as her partner.

With that, the class begins to erupt in voices as they discussed and laughed with their partners. I guess most people were happy with theirs. I finally find the courage to look in Seungmins direction and I found him staring at his lap.

Man even his side profile was dangerous.

Especially since it's been years since hes been this close to me. My heart has never beaten faster.

Wait he probably thinks I don't want to be his partner.

I mean did me not saying anything come off as rude?

Oh man he's the shy one and I'm making him uncomfortable.

Pull yourself together Hyunjin!

"H-Hyunjin?" A small voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I want to scream and kick my legs. This was the first time he had spoken to me in years.

I look over again to find him with his phone in his small hands, held out for me to take.

I take a deep breath and send him a sweet smile. I was over the moon on the inside. There was a full on party in Hyunjin land over this encoumter. I was getting Kim Seungmins number.

I pull out my own phone and hand it to him as I take his, "My full name is Hwang Hyunjin actually." I confidently say as I type in my number as well as my name in his contact.

"I-I'm Seungmin." The boy says quietly, "Kim s-seungmin."

I smile and hand his phone back, "I know."

The boy looks at me confused for a second but I quickly take my phone back and look away in embarrassment.

Did I really have to say I know??

I seem like a creep...

Fuck why do I keep acting awkward!

Just pretend he's just one of your other friends. Your always known as the friendly and confident one Hyunjin!

With another deep breath I collect myself, opening my mouth unplanned.

"I really like your hoodie!" I blurt out in a louder than expected voice, making most of the room shift their attention toward me as I shut my eyes tightly and feel the red scattering my cheeks.


"It's gonna be okay Hyunjin-ah" Chan rubs my back gently.

"Hyung. With all due respect, how is any of this okay!?" I mumble into my arms as I bury my head deeper. I couldn't bare to look up and possibly see the boy I embarassed my self with yesterday. If I even saw him I would simply sink into the floor. And we all know that universe makes my eyes drift toward him automatically.

"Atleast eat your lunch Hyunjin-ah! Coach said we can't skip our protein." Minho adds as he takes a bite out of a chicken wing.

"I mean if your not gonna eat it, can I have the wings Hyunjin!?" Jisung speaks up beside him with excitement, only to be recieve a gentle hand on his arm and another "learning how to respect others food" talk from his boyfriend Minho.

With a groan I pick my head up, still keeping it somewhat low, as I begin taking small bites of the chicken. Coach did say we needed protein after all.

"I mean it's not that big of a deal Hyunjin! I'm sure he was flattered by your compliment." Chan tries to console his embarassment.

"Flattered!?" I scoff, "He was probably so embarassed since practically the wholes class's eyes went to us. He probably felt uncomfortable!" With that I let my head fall back into arms as I loudly groan in my own embarrassment.

But as with all procrastinations, the time came.

I scrape my feet into science class after begging Chan to take me home instead. Obviously that plan didn't succeed. I had to face the younger.

I mean part of me loves seeing that beautiful face, but then again the other half wants to jump out a window soooo

With a pout, I sit down in my new seat, putting my head down and staring at the clock. Bracing myself for the moment seungmin walks in.

We still had ten more minutes of lunch, so I had a while I guess.

Not gonna lie, staring at the clock gets boring after a while. And I did stay up till 2 last night....Before I know it, my eyes slowly begin to flutter shut...





"Mm shut up your voice is so nice~" I groan with my eyes still closed.

"Hyun uh h-Hyunjin? W-wake up!" This time the voice comes with a small shake to my arm.

"Hm?" I finally lift my head and rub my eyes open. When my eyes focus again, I notice the boy sitting right infront of me.

"S-seungmin o-oh I-" I stop my panicked stuttering as I notice the rest of the class seated and working with their partners. How long had I been asleep?

I check the clock to realize that 20 minutes of class had gone by.

As if I couldn't get more embarassed.

"O-oh my god seungmin im so sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep I just had a rough night a-and I-"

"It's okay." Seungmin says quietly, looking back at his empty notebook infront of him.

How could I be so careless!?

I probably disappointed him already! He's always been one to care about his academic success and I just looked like I don't!

He probably thinks I'm lazy now...

Oh god fucking dammit Hyunjin!

I try my best to think of any way to make it up to him. I was already coming off with a bad impression, might as well turn that around right?

"U-uhm seungmin?" I ask quietly. The younger looks up from his notebook and at me with curious eyes. I almost froze and forgot what I was going to say.

But we must stay focused boys.

"How about we work on this over the w-weekend?"

Hi hehe

How do yall like the Hyunjin head over heels plot

Hope you enjoyed!

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