Chapter 13 - Comforting presence

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"Do you want to talk about it?"

I had led seungmin to sit in the park in front of our houses. He pulled away from our hug after a few moments, but he was still sniffling and trying to hide his tears. He seemed quite embarrassed from the sudden action. Maybe he felt like he barely knew me, oh how I wanted that change so badly.

I just wanted to make sure he was comfortable though. He looked so broken, this was not the time to swoon over my own feelings.

To say my heart was shattered was an understatement

I've never seen him cry this way before. I didn't even know it was possible for me to feel so much pain from just looking at the tears run down a persons face.

It was like my mind was constantly running a game on how to make things better for him. Maybe if I got him food, or maybe if I distracted him with a movie. If I told him everything was going to be okay, would he believe me?

I felt frozen. I wanted to help him, and start with being next to him. Maybe all he needed was someone to listen. I would be that person any day

Seungmin softly sighs, looking up from his hands and glancing around the park. His fluffy hair gently swaying in the evening wind. "I'm s-sorry."

"Please don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for." I quickly say, surprised by my own confidence. Old simpy Hyunjin was out the window, comforting Hyunjin had pulled up.

"I-I keep giving you p-problems." He says quietly, his gaze falling to his hands again. He looked like he was going to cry again.

I lean my head down, trying to meet his eyes, "Don't think like that. I told you I'm here for you, I meant it."

Seungmin fidgeting increases as he lets out a breath, "I-it's nothing... I just broke up with her."

My ears perk up. "W-what?"

"Jeemin... the girl y-you saw me with... w-we broke up." Seungmin looks up from his hands to meet my gaze.

My lips had slightly parted, partially from the fact that Seungmin had indeed noticed me on Valentine's Day, and as well as the fact Seungmin had ended things with her.

"So you know about... her and... you know... cheating?" I quietly add, my confidence had fallen apart from the surprise. Along with Seungmins gaze, I felt the words stuck in the back of my throat. The whole thing was surprising, I never even knew he had a girlfriend.

"I always knew..." Seungmin says quietly, his eyes glassing over again. "I just thought... w-without her I-i was a-a nobody."

My face immediately drops, I reach out a place a hand on seungmins back, "You're not a nobody. You're Seungmin. Please don't think like that."

He slowly looks up, "S-she only ever talked to me when she w-was bored. Even w-when I tried to break it off she d-didn't believe me. She d-doesn't think I can doing things m-myself." He sniffs before quickly wiping his eyes. "I-I'm sorry I don't know why I'm t-telling you this."

"I think you made the right choice then." I gently add on, turning to comfort him without making him uncomfortable.


"You deserve better. She wasn't treating you right and she was cheating. You're a human with feelings, you deserve someone who acknowledges that." I send him a quick smile. The evening breeze making the trees around us shake, only elevating the reflection of our feelings.

He stayed silent for a few moments, maybe he was absorbing my words or something. But soon he meets my eyes with a slight turn in his lips, "T-thank you."

"Of course."


"Remember the first time we came here? After our project?" I smile as I lead the younger into the noodle shop by our house.

Seungmin lets out a small giggle, "Y-your talking like it w-was years ago. It was just two weeks back."

I chuckle as we take a seat. Today felt like a blur but I was overjoyed to see the younger smile. I'm glad he trusted me enough to open up. I would do anything to help him, no matter his ups and downs.

Even if he didn't feel the same way, I would want him to be happy in any circumstance.

"Can I-i ask you something?" Seungmin whispers while looking through the menu.

I hum in response, taking in the cafes warm atmosphere and the fact that my crush was sitting across from me.

"W-why did you come to my house?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up when I look toward the boy. Was this the moment I really tell him everything? I wanted to be honest, but it was too soon to say anything about my feelings, especially after the break up. It wasn't appropriate to make today about me.

"You weren't at school, I wanted to see if you were okay. And because of... I knew about jeemin and the other boy." I say truthfully, leaving out the fact he was on my mind all day and I was confused about what happened on Valentine's Day. Or the fact I was furious enough to punch a girl at this point.

I took deep breaths, Jeemin was not worth our time. Seungmin should move on, even if I wanted to make her feel the pain she caused him.

"I-I never knew you were t-this kind Hyunjin." Seungmin smiles, his braces covered teeth shining through. My heart skips a beat.


"Y-you are so smart and good looking, but y-your also kind." He says cheerfully, making my face light up a bright red. To hear him say something like that to me, I thought at that very moment I might faint. "Not a lot of p-people are this caring." He adds, a hint of his voice reflecting his ex girlfriend. My mind circled his words, as if I couldn't believe he really thought it me this way

I try to hide the goofy smile in my face by looking down at the menu. "Only for you." I mumble quietly




This was so cute

Happy new year!

2024 is going to be a good year I can feel it. 2023 was a really good year for me and I'm hoping the luck streak continues hehe

My holiday break is almost over 😭😭

Hope everyone had a good holidays and hope you enjoyed!

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