Chapter 2 - Physics is so fun!😃

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Well when I agreed to try and focus on other things. I lied.

Because the next class I had was science. One of my least favorites actually. The only reason I was here was because Kim Seungmin was in this class.

I had worked my ass off to get into this honors class, but I'm forever thankful since I could be with him. Even if we weren't exactly together.

He did sit on the opposite side of the room anyways.

Youd think the teacher noticed that he was distracting me? I mean it's not his fault but my grades have improved since he moved a few seats down.

Now as creepy as this seems. I AM NOT A STALKER

Jeez it took me a while to convince my friends too.

I simply like the boy.

I don't know in what way exactly.

But for as long as I can remember I always have liked him.

I didn't watch him in a weird way. I would just daydream sometimes. You know? This doesn't sound weird right?

Everyone's felt the same way about someone right?

Dammit this is what happens when I think too much.

I huff and brush the thoughts away, taking my seat and pulling out my notebook. Trying to not even look in his direction because I knew I would be sucked into another daze of staring.

But damn did his purple hoodie look cute-

"Hyunjin oppa?" A girl that sits next to me speaks up, gently tapping my arm.

"Hm?" I look her way, the first thing I notice is her butthole looking lips, the lipstick was definitely not it. I tried to remember her name but i was blanking, even thought we've sat together for months.

Something with an m? I mean there's only a handful of m names right?

"Do you have a pencil?" She asks, batting her eye lashes.

I send her a smile and hand her mine, "Oh of course... uhm Macy!"

She gratefully accepts it as I silently celebrate literally guessing her name right. I was the man.

"Hyunjin-ah!" One of the football boys calls from the table towards the middle, definitely loud enough for the rest of the class to hear.

"Ayy Minwoo!!" I match his energy and wave back to him with a nice smile.

"Got the notes from last night bro?" He asks pointing at his blank notebook.

"Pff Hyunjin would never forget! He's always on top of things!" The girl sitting next to him adds, slapping minwoos arm while giggling.

"You know it soo young!" I respond cheerfully and she pats her chest as if to say 'I got you'

I open up my notebook, which I did in fact take the notes on, tossing it toward minwoo who reluctantly caught it, blowing me a kiss in return.

"Youre the best Hyunjin-ah!" Minwoo calls out before beginning to copy the words down onto his notebook.

I, Hwang Hyunjin, was well known. It was evident to any student at the school. I was just a well rounded dude. The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but with out the Spider-Man part you know?

Everyone knew my name and nobody hated me because I gave them no reason to.

In fact people liked me.

Maybe it was because of my looks? But I'm sure atleast some of them liked my personality too. None of them were just using me for notes right?

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