Chapter 6: ???

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------------------RXQ'S POV-----------------

"Alright..Now lets hope for the best" I said as I backed up from inside the mirror, my body constantly in a state of destroying itself as i started pacing around the room in order to distract myself, I found myself stuck inside the mirror just a few days prior only able to communicate with springtrap a single time. "I have to help them another way.." I think for a few moments, checking room and room before remembering something, quickly grabbing a book from a nearby storage closet and writing everything i know down into it. -The last time I checked the world had been becoming glitchy and unstable, having an effect on me and everything else there, And I know the cause..That fucking bear.

He was so hellbent on destroying me that he decided to travel around to find one reality where he hadn't already killed me. In order to do exactly that..and to turn me into this, Yet I refuse to let that happen..I am not the only one who is aware of these things going on my allies are in this reality. Yet I have yet been able to communicate to them, it's a shame really but I won't let that mess up my goal. Springtrap has to kill S.Freddy, I had failed to do so..I had truly hoped he would change..I was wrong..And he killed me right in front of my family,

He's not working alone..Someone else was with him..and turned me into this..thing, I find myself connected to all the other realities where my old self still resides and managed to fight back against the bitch, Listen. Springtrap if you or any of his friends are reading this, Watch out for S.Freddy..and For another bear, He calls himself nightmare, You might not have met him yet in this timeline, but you will
Whatever you do please make sure he doesn't find you or follow you home..I made the mistake of talking to him. But maybe there is still hope for you..I'll assist you all when I can, Here's to the future.- RXQ

I sighed as I threw the journal through the mirror and into a nearby room, Before looking around knowing that soon. They will also be coming here to look for me. I had hoped this would be the last place they figured I would be..and I was right, As I run to look out the window my fears were confirmed, They have already demolished
Everything else in this reality, This building being the only thing left, once that's gone I will go along with it..I won't let it end like this..I've sacrifice so fucking
Much to get to this not giving up.

I slowly stretch my arms and legs, My ears twitching as I hear Them outside so close to breaking down the door, I sigh as I look over to the mirror before taking a running start as they finally managed to break through. "FUCK! GET HIM!!" Was the last thing I heard before launching myself through the mirror. Not being able to celebrate yet as I slowly got up, and shatter the mirror, Noticing blood on my hands afterwards. "Huh..that's new.." I turn around slowly before noticing a light turning on in the hallway right where I am.
"....Lolbit?" I take a cautious step forward in order to confirm.

"...H-holy shit...Springtrap..What happened to you?" Lolbit walked over, noticing the kind of state I'm in. "Its...A lot to explain..I go by RXQ...Or Echo, Considering the state I'm in heh..After We have another Springtrap to save..we might actually have a chance this time..out of all the realities I've been in. This is the only one where apparently I end up with someone else..heh"

Yenndo walks out of Lolbits room and makes his way over to us "Im just as suprised as you, Lolbit and I have been in this reality for quite some time now...I like it here to be honest, And I'll fight whoever I need to in order to stay boss."

I smile softly before hugging them both "And I will fight along with you two, Springtrap has a good life here..I've been with him for Years now and I witnessed the events that happened yesterday, and I have to say, This time We will take S.Freddy down, I won't let him hurt anyone else."

"...HOLY SHIT- YOU'RE REAL?!" I look over to see Springtrap looking at me, Funtime Freddy beside him. "Ah..Yeah, Look I am so sorry for suddenly appearing like this..But I had no other choice..S.Freddy and Nightmare were going to kill me..again- so I came here" He looks at me before walking over and pulling me into a hug, something I didn't expect to happen. We aren't supposed to be huggers..what makes him so difficult. "Hey no worries! You're safe here, that I can promise you..I heard'" My ears lower as I look at him, not exactly sure how to explain things further.

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