Purchase of weapons and equipment Part 7

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After Zhang Yi finished reading the introduction to the safe house, he immediately selected his service items.

First of all, the entire house was reinforced by replacing all structural materials. Walls, ceilings, and floors were all replaced with 200mm thick alloy, directly replacing the original walls.

This is an aviation material, weighing only one-third of steel but with ten times the strength of stainless steel!

Using this material to create a safe house would perfectly fit into the building where Zhang Yi lived, without any issues of overloading.

The windows were fitted with the best bulletproof glass in the world.

Next was the ventilation system, all equipped with air filtration functions.

No harmful gases could invade from the outside.

Finally, there was a full monitoring system that could monitor every corner inside and outside the house without blind spots.

All doors were replaced with heavy-duty vault-like theft-proof doors, making it difficult even for small bombs to blast open.

In short, Zhang Yi's only requirement was to turn his house into an absolutely invincible fortress!

After checking these items, Zhang Yi handed the computer to Wu Huai Ren.

After Wu Huai Ren finished reading, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

A house of only 120 square meters, yet transformed into a fortress-like structure.

"Just add some weapons, and this is simply a stronghold!" Wu Huai Ren muttered.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yi's eyes sparkled.

"Oh, do you have expertise in strongholds as well?" Zhang Yi asked.

Wu Huai Ren chuckled, "I used to be a mercenary abroad, so I know a lot about military weaponry."

A sudden thought flashed through Zhang Yi's mind.

He suddenly lowered his voice and asked Wu Huai Ren, "Do you have a way to get guns?"

This question made Wu Huai Ren's expression serious.

In Huaguo, private ownership of firearms is not allowed.

"Mr. Zhang, you should understand, in principle, private ownership of such things is not allowed," Wu Huai Ren said quietly.

"Have you encountered some terrifying enemies that make you so fearful?" Zhang Yi probed.

"Yes, I have offended some ruthless people, and they are heavily armed with guns," Zhang Yi explained. "I just thought, maybe I should also get some guns for self-defense. Otherwise, I can only hide in the house and take a beating, which is not ideal!"

Wu Huai Ren chuckled, "Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid I can't help you with that. We are a legitimate company."

But from Wu Huai Ren's eyes, Zhang Yi could tell that he wasn't incapable of getting guns, but rather unwilling to get involved in murky waters.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yi said to Wu Huai Ren, "This safe house project will cost over eight million. If I encounter further problems later on, it won't reflect well on your company."

He stared at Wu Huai Ren and said word by word, "I just want a means of self-defense. If you can help me with this favor, I won't let you down."

Wu Huai Ren didn't speak, he furrowed his brow weighing the matter.

He had connections, of course. But he was unsure of Zhang Yi's background, so he didn't dare easily make introductions.

"You can go back first. Although I may not be able to handle this matter, I can inquire for you. If there's any news, I'll contact you," Wu Huai Ren finally said.

It was clear that Wu Huai Ren was undecided for the moment.

But Zhang Yi didn't press too hard; guns are indeed something to be cautious about.

He smiled, "Alright, I'll wait for your news then."

"Oh, this matter is urgent for me. Please come to help me build the safe house as soon as possible," Zhang Yi requested.

"We can have it completed within half a month," Wu Huai Ren assured.

After discussing with Wu Huai Ren, Zhang Yi immediately signed the contract and paid a deposit of one million.

As for the remaining balance, well, he wouldn't have the chance to pay it in this lifetime.

Leaving the Zhanlong Security Company, the housing issue was basically resolved.

Next, Zhang Yi returned to his car and called a acquaintance, Liu Yang.

Liu Yang ran a hunting ground in Tianhai City.

In his possession were many legally obtained crossbows, compound bows, and air rifles.

Zhang Yi had visited a few times before and had Liu Yang's contact information.

He called Liu Yang to help him purchase a batch of equipment at a premium price.

"Zhang Ge, why are you buying so many weapons? These things are only for hunting or personal use. You can't use them to harm others!" Liu Yang asked cautiously, despite his friendly tone.

After all, the items were being sold from his hands.

If Zhang Yi used these weapons to harm someone, Liu Yang could also get into trouble.

Of course, someone who could run a hunting ground in Tianhai City naturally had a background.

But there was no need for him to take risks for a regular friend like Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi laughed and casually gave a reason, "You're thinking too much! I've arranged to go hunting in a wildlife park in Africa with a few friends soon. So I need more equipment!"

Liu Yang clicked his tongue, "Oh, Zhang Ge, you sure know how to have fun! But be careful, Africa has many lions and hyenas!"

"Okay, it's settled then. How soon can you prepare these items for me?" Zhang Yi inquired.

"I have some ready now, you can come by to pick them up when you're free," Liu Yang responded.

Without delay, Zhang Yi drove to the Xishan Hunting Ground and bought the equipment from Liu Yang.

For him, time was precious now, and he couldn't afford to waste a moment.

He purchased five high-quality steel crossbows, three advanced compound bows, and three hundred arrows for each type of bow. Additionally, he bought two excellent Damascus steel hunting knives.

Made of Damascus steel, they were extremely tough and sharp, almost indestructible unless used for prolonged chopping of hard objects.

These would be perfect for self-defense (attacking)!

All this equipment filled the entire trunk of his car.

Seeing this pile of equipment, Zhang Yi felt a strong sense of security.

He immediately drove back home with a car full of equipment.

Since everything was purchased through legal channels, and he had obtained a hunting license in the past just for fun, Zhang Yi wasn't worried about being questioned by the police.

By the time he got home, it was already dusk.

Zhang Yi went out alone to enjoy a hearty hotpot meal at Haidilao.

Thinking that he would have to cook his own hotpot in the future, he promptly ordered 10,000 portions of hotpot base from Haidilao.

The servers at Haidilao were stunned, thinking that Zhang Yi might be a rival merchant causing trouble.

Fortunately, the service at Haidilao was good, and they didn't confront Zhang Yi directly.

Later, the store manager came over, inquired with Zhang Yi, and accepted the order.

However, the condition was cash payment to prevent any disruption from potential rival merchants.

Zhang Yi was very generous and paid over a million on the spot.

Such a generous payment left the store manager ecstatic, who even threw in an additional 500 portions for Zhang Yi.

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