ch-8 (veer)

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now, as the intense passion between us slowly subsided, I found myself getting ready to leave for an important meeting with a special client here in Rajasthan. Aahna lay peacefully on the bed where we had shared such intimate moments. I glanced at her, admiring the way the morning light played on her tousled hair.

"Good morning, sunshine," I greeted, my voice low and husky, as I smoothed down my shirt sleeves while looking at myself in the mirror. Aahna stirred, her eyes slowly opening to meet mine.

"Veer," she murmured, a sleepy smile playing on her lips. "Where are you off to so early?"

I walked over to the bed, leaning down to press a lingering kiss on her forehead. "I have a meeting. Business calls," I explained, my fingers tracing lazy circles on her bare shoulder. "But don't worry, I'll be back soon."

She pouted playfully, "You're leaving me all alone in this big, empty room?"

I chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You won't be alone for long. And besides, the sooner I finish this meeting, the sooner I can get back to you."

Aahna's eyes sparkled with mischief as she teased, "Make it quick then, Mr. Businessman. I'll be waiting."

I straightened up, reaching for my armani suit. "I'll do my best," I replied, before making my way to the door. As I stepped out into the hallway, I couldn't help but glance back at her one more time, the memory of our shared passion still lingering in the air, "Take care, sunshine," I called out, before disappearing into the bustling world outside


"Malhotra," I greeted with a nod, sliding into the seat across from him. His eyes, sharp and assessing, met mine briefly before he returned a curt nod.

"Veer," he acknowledged, his voice as composed as ever. "Cut the small talk. I need a property, and I need it fast."

Straight to the point, just like always. I motioned for the waiter, signaling to bring us some coffee. "Alright, what are you looking for, Malhotra?"

He leaned back, fingers tapping rhythmically on the table. "A facility for a medical research center. State-of-the-art equipment, top-notch security. It needs to be in a prime location, accessible yet discreet."

I leaned forward, intrigued by the challenge. "You're setting up a research center? What's the project about?"

Krish's gaze remained impassive, but a flicker of something crossed his eyes. "Classified. All you need to know is that it's significant."

I nodded, accepting his secretive nature. "Fine, I'll find you the perfect place. Any specific preferences?"

He pulled out a list, handing it over without uttering a word. I scanned through the detailed requirements, already formulating plans in my mind.

"I'll get on it, Malhotra. Leave it to me," I assured him.

His eyes met mine, a rare hint of gratitude hidden beneath the stoic exterior. "Make it happen, Veer. I'll be waiting for your call."

"You'll get the best," I assured him, my confidence unwavering. "Consider it done."

Our conversation delved into specifics, and despite Krish's stoic exterior, we navigated the details effortlessly. As we wrapped up the meeting, I couldn't resist a parting jest.

"Malhotra, you're almost human today," I teased, earning a rare chuckle from him.

"I'll consider that a compliment, singhania," he replied, nodding towards the door. "Now, get to work. I expect results."

With a smirk, I left the restaurant, already formulating plans for Krish's ambitious real estate endeavors. The morning's passion may have faded, but the fire in my business dealings burned just as bright.


Returning to the hotel, I found Aahna scrolling through her phone. She looked up, a smile gracing her lips as she approached me.

"Welcome back, Veer. How was your meeting?" she inquired, her eyes shining with curiosity.

"Successful, as always," I replied, before settling into a chair. "The client is looking to invest in property here. Big plans on the horizon."

Aahna's eyes lit up, genuine excitement in her voice. "That's fantastic!"

The mood shifted as she continued, her expression turning thoughtful. "By the way, my college semester starts in two weeks. It's going to be a busy time, especially with the wedding preparations and all."

"Don't worry, sunshine. We'll manage it all. Work, your college, and our wedding plans."


As we settled into the VIP flight back to Delhi, the atmosphere between Aahna and me was cordial but distant. Four days in Rajasthan had seen us through a whirlwind of passion and business, yet the underlying reality of our arranged engagement lingered like a shadow.

I reclined in my seat, the hum of the plane's engines providing a steady backdrop to my thoughts. Aahna sat beside me, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window.

"So, what's next on your agenda?" I asked, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

Aahna turned to me, a hint of weariness in her eyes. "Back to college preparations, I suppose. And of course, there's the wedding planning to contend with."

I nodded in understanding, though the prospect of wedding planning held little appeal for either of us. Our engagement had been orchestrated by our families, a merger of business interests rather than matters of the heart.

"Let me know if you need any assistance with the arrangements," I offered, though the words felt hollow even to my own ears.

"Thank you, Veer. I'll keep that in mind," Aahna replied politely, her tone masking any deeper sentiment.

The remainder of the flight passed in subdued silence, each lost in our own thoughts. As the plane touched down in Delhi— i dropped Aahna to her home and i went to the sprawling home that awaited me, the whole ride was silent.

As I stepped through the grand entrance of my sprawling mansion, I was greeted by the familiar sight of my mother and chachi waiting for me in the opulent foyer. Their expectant gazes bore into me, filled with questions that I knew were inevitable.

"Welcome back, Veer beta," my mother greeted, her tone warm but tinged with a hint of concern. "How was your trip to Rajasthan? Did everything go smoothly?"

I plastered on a polite smile, though I could feel the weight of their expectations pressing down on me. "Yes, Maa, everything went according to plan," I replied, keeping my response vague.

Chachi, ever the astute observer, narrowed her eyes slightly as she scrutinized me. "And what about Aahna beta? How is she?"

I hesitated for a moment, choosing my words carefully. "Aahna is fine, Chachi. She's settling back into her routine," I answered, though the truth of our strained relationship loomed large in my mind.

My mother's brow furrowed with concern, sensing the tension beneath the surface. "Is everything alright between you and Aahna, Veer?"

I offered a reassuring smile, though it felt forced. "Everything is fine, Maa. It's just been a long day of travel," I deflected.

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