ch-4 (veer)

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As I got ready for the trip to the mandir, a mix of anticipation and disbelief lingered within me. The news that Aahna and her family were also on their way added a layer of complexity to the situation. I couldn't shake off the thought that she had actually said yes to this arrangement. The mere idea of Aahna agreeing to this union, willingly or not, baffled me.

As our car made its way to the mandir, my mind buzzed with questions. "Why would she agree to this? Is it just family pressure, or does she genuinely see something in this match?" I muttered to myself, the uncertainty gnawing at me.

The journey to the mandir felt like an eternity, each passing moment amplifying my curiosity and, dare I say, a tinge of anxiety. My best friend's little sister, Aahna, was about to become more than just a casual acquaintance. The prospect of a future entwined with hers was both intriguing and unsettling.

As we arrived at the mandir, I spotted Aahna and her family approaching. Damn, she's looking... breathtaking, I thought to myself, my breath catching in my throat as I took in her simple yet elegant attire. The soft glow of the temple lights seemed to accentuate her beauty, casting a mesmerizing aura around her.

God, I'm obsessed with her. Obsessed with her body for the past 9 years—the way I want to fuck her, the way I want to feel her skin against mine, She's become my forbidden obsession, a temptation I can't resist. And now, with the weight of tradition and expectation pressing down upon us, the desire to make her mine burns hotter than ever.

My thoughts raced as we exchanged greetings, formalities punctuating the air. "Namaste, Uncle. Namaste, Aunty," I greeted, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions within.

Rudra leaned in, his words laced with warning, "Veer, yaar, I know you've got this whole businessman vibe going on, but listen, Aahna is not just a deal, samjha? She's my sister, and I won't let anyone mess with her."

I raised an eyebrow, amused by Rudra's protective demeanor. "relax. I'm not planning to run away or something."

Rudra rolled his eyes, his tone serious. "Veer, I'm serious, yaar. I've seen Aahna's heartbreaks, and I won't tolerate any nonsense. If you hurt her, remember, I know where you sleep, and it won't be pleasant."

I chuckled, appreciating his brotherly concern. "Rudra, you know I would never intentionally hurt her. Let's take this one step at a time and see where it leads."

Rudra gave a curt nod, not entirely convinced but willing to trust my intentions. "Fine, but I've got my eye on you, Veer Singhania. Don't make me regret this."


As the ceremony progressed, Pandit Ji began the detailed explanation of our kundali gunas, delving into the intricate aspects of our astrological compatibility. His voice resonated through the temple, the echoes mingling with the hushed whispers of the gathered families.

"Pandit Ji, please tell us about the compatibility of Veer and Aahna's kundalis," my mom requested, her eyes fixed on Pandit Ji as if seeking assurance.

Pandit Ji nodded and began unraveling the celestial tapestry that connected Aahna's and my destinies. "Veer and Aahna, your kundalis exhibit a remarkable alignment of gunas. The cosmic energies between you two create a harmonious blend, indicating compatibility in various aspects of life."

He continued, his explanations weaving through the intricacies of our charts. "The gunas such as Varna, Vashya, and Tara suggest a balanced relationship, with mutual understanding and respect. The presence of favorable gunas signifies a promising connection that goes beyond the superficial aspects of life."

As Pandit Ji delved into the specifics, I couldn't help but glance at Aahna, wondering if she too was absorbing the astrological analysis. The atmosphere in the temple seemed charged with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

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