ch-1 (aahna)

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As I stood under the golden hues of the setting sun, adjusting my camera lens for the perfect shot, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This photoshoot was going to be epic, and I wanted my Instagram followers to be just as thrilled as I was. With each click of the shutter, I felt a rush of adrenaline, my creativity soaring to new heights.

"Chipmunk, you're looking more like a professional photographer than an influencer," my brother's voice broke through my concentration, accompanied by his trademark teasing grin.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him, knowing exactly what was coming next. "And you, Bhai, still insist on calling me Chipmunk, even though I've told you a million times I'm not that chatty!"

He chuckled, handing me a plate of pancakes that our mom had made. "Old habits die hard, little sis. Besides, you know I only do it because it annoys you."

I couldn't help but smile as I took a bite of the delicious homemade treat. Despite his teasing, I knew my brother always had my back. But as I glanced past him, I noticed someone standing at the edge of our makeshift set.

Veer. Veer Singhania, like a tall oak tree, strong and steady. His eyes, deep and intense. His body, sculpted and imposing, exudes power and authority. His nature, grumpy yet intriguing, leaves me wondering what lies beneath his stoic facade.

"Veer? What's he doing here?" I whispered to bhai, slightly puzzled. I had seen Veer at numerous family gatherings, but our interactions had been limited to polite nods and exchanged pleasantries. He was always the grumpy, cold one, and honestly, I never knew how to approach him.

Bhai chuckled, as if he had just revealed a well-kept secret. "Well, Chipmunk, we had some errands to run together" He replied, I nodded.

"Pancakes?" I exclaimed, trying to break the ice. I turned to Veer, "Would you like some?"

"No," he replied curtly, his gaze fixed somewhere beyond the camera lens.

I turned back to Bhai, hopeful. "What about you, Bhai? Pancakes?"

His response was more abrupt than expected. "Not now, Chipmunk. We have to leave." And they left..


Dinner was a lively affair with both families gathered under one roof. I greeted Veer's parents and his uncle-aunt with a warm "Namaste Uncle, Aunty." The room echoed with the chatter of relatives, and the aroma of delicious food filled the air.

In the midst of the family banter, I found myself playing and talking with Bhavya, Veer's little cousin, and my own cousins. Aashika, my best friend, couldn't resist teasing Veer, adding a playful twist to the evening.

Aashika: "Veer, you look like you're attending your own funeral. Lighten up!"

Veer, with his trademark grumpy expression, simply rolled his eyes, unwilling to let Aashika's teasing get to him.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted when Komal Aunty brought up a topic that left me wide-eyed and gasping. "So, Aahna, when are we going to see you as a bride?" she asked, and I nearly choked on my water.

Veer's gaze locked onto me, an unreadable expression in his eyes. Bhai, always my protector, intervened, "What's the hurry? She's just 22, and she hasn't even found someone yet."

The room fell silent, all eyes on me. I stammered, "Well, y..yeah bhai is.. right"

bhavya, piped up, "Why don't you marry Veer Bhaiya?" The room erupted in laughter, and Veer shot a scolding look at Bhavya, who innocently shrugged.

"Stop it, Bhavya. That's not how things work," Veer sternly replied, his grumpy demeanor momentarily overshadowed by a hint of discomfort. Bhavya, unaffected by the scolding, innocently continued, "But you both will look good together!"

Aunt Ekta, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, joined the conversation. "Well, Bhavya does have a point. They would make quite a stunning couple, don't you think?" She shot a playful glance at Komal aunty, adding an unexpected twist to the ongoing dialogue.

Komal aunty, known for her jovial nature, chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Indeed! Aahna and Veer would make a lovely pair. Bhavya, you might be onto something here!"

Feeling slightly overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events, I glanced over at Aashika and Bhai, seeking their support amidst the playful banter. Aashika, ever the loyal friend, caught my eye and spoke up in my defense.

"You know, Aunties, Aahna's still young. She has her whole life ahead of her to find the right match. Let's not rush her into anything just yet," Aashika chimed in, her words echoing my own sentiments.

Bhai nodded in agreement, his protective instincts kicking in. "Exactly. Aahna's happiness and well-being are what matter most. Let's not push her into anything she's not ready for," he added, his tone firm yet reassuring.

As the playful banter about my potential marriage settled down, the focus unexpectedly shifted towards Aashika. The atmosphere took a turn as curious eyes turned towards her, leaving Aashika slightly taken aback.

Aunt Ekta, with a mischievous grin, couldn't resist teasing. "Well, since we're on the topic of marriages, Aashika, any special someone in your life?" Her words were met with laughter from the gathering, and Aashika's cheeks turned a shade of pink.

Bhai, always ready with a witty remark, chimed in, "Come on, spill the beans, Aashika. We can't let Aahna bear the brunt alone."

Aashika, recovering from the initial surprise, laughed off the attention. "No secrets here, Aunties. I'm happily single and enjoying every moment of it. No rush for me!"


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