chapter 12

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Gina's POV

The silence allowed me to have a peaceful mental war.

What was that?
How did I do that?
Is this the hidden powers?
Is it rage ?

I was red instead of white.
I was a half Instead of a full wolf.

Just what am I?
What am I supposed to be?

'Mia,.........what the hell are we?'


' Mia,.....Mia, you there?!'


'Mia,......what is this,.
Why aren you answering?
Mia....., c'mon don't do this
Mia.....oh shit,'

Suddenly, I was blinded by the sudden beam of light from the night. And greenie came into view.

He looked down and didn't meet my eyes.
I cocked up a brow and waited.

"Caleb's asked for you"

I frowned upon hearing his name.
We still had some lines to cut.

Standing up, I dusted myself and went on to his tent, my ever evident frown etched on my face.

When he saw me, he drew back and backed me.

"You have to leave!!"

I lost my frown and raised a brow.
Is he asking me to leave this place.?!!
After I helped them?!!
How ungrateful is this punk?!..

"So this is my thanks huh?!"
I crossed my arms and stared hard.

"You've done nothing that deserves gratitude.
Rather all you've caused is upcoming harm and distress.
No tell me how can we allow you to keep on staying here?!!"
He turned to me and yelled in my face.

I narrowed my gaze slowly and gave him a hard look.
"You're just scared I'm a threat to your position....right.
That I could somehow 'dethrone' you cause I'm stronger than you .
Heck I don't even want that!!
I hate it here even!...."
I screamed and pointed my hands in his face.

He closed his eyes sharply and took a deep breath.

Woah someone acts like a pro!!

"I'm not afraid of anything, you don't even stand a chance against me.
You're leaving because you're a threat to the people here.
Danger tails you where ever you stay, we don't want that!! "
He opened his eyes staring directly at me, and I got a clear sight of his green eyes that was turning a darker shade.

He was deliberately showing me his wolf could come out at any time and challenging to dare go against me.

I glared at him. If he thinks a position like his could frighten me a bit, he had to think a little.
He's not the only one who has anger bubbling in him.
I couldn't hear mia and this guy was here pulling some strings that was threatening to cut.

"Why don't you prove it then?.
Show your might your highness
If I lose, I'll be gone and you won't see me a bit,
If you lose......"
My frown turned to a maniacal grin. Imagine the repercussion of his pride.
"You lose your leading position"

The air in the tent suddenly became still and my grin only grew wider. Right now I'm pretty sure I looked like a psychiatric patient with that expression but I was truly enjoying this.
I was........ amused at my own confidence honestly.
It's not every day you challenge a leader, is it?.

"Deal" I nodded and stood straight.
"In one hour, then.
At the field. I'll be waiting" I turned and left the tent.

I went up to the field and laid down on the grass as the cool breeze wiped me gently.

'Mia......whats happening?....where are you?'

I let out a sigh and then closed my eyes.
The cool breeze hit my skin very lightly and I couldn't help but fall into a light slumber.
My head was filled with questions that even I couldn't answer myself.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and opened up my eyes to see greenie towering over my sleeping self. His green eyes shining very brightly In the darkness of the night.

He sighed and laid down beside me. I turned my head away and closed my eyes once again.

"........Gina" I opened up my eyes once again.

"I'm sorry we didn't believe you when you warned us"
I looked up to the sky and scoffed.

Sorry.....that's what he says.
Does it fix anything.
Is Mia back.

".......I don't need your apology.
It's annoying."

"I know you're angry now and so-"

"You know nothing. Not a single thing about me. No one here does."
I turned to my side, away from him.
"Leave me alone, I need to catch a little sleep before he comes. I still have thirty minutes. I need it"

I heard rustling and then some sounds of light steps drifting farther away.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
My body suddenly felt cold. So I wrapped my arms around my self as I slept.

I saw two  people before me. At quite a distance. A man and a woman.
I ran to the all too familiar couple.

"Mom!"  "Dad!"
I made to hug them but suddenly my arms were shortened and a little chubby.

I heard baby sounds and then the couple turned to me but their faces were blurry. They didn't feel like mom and dad but they felt familiar and strange.
Either way I've never met them but I know them?

They carried me and I cooed at them.
A soft squeak and more baby sounds.

The couple were silently staring at me, and then I was falling into a pair of ragged arms with pointy, sharp and very long nails.
I saw a hood and smelt a foul odour.
White eyes stared intently at me and was drawing closer.

Then the surrounding and background shifted I was in my previous room with mom and dad chattering at the dinner table.
But on another chair sat a stranger awfully black and blended too well into darkness that I could only see a pair of eyes even with the very well lit dinning.
His aqua blue eyes shone brightly with malicious intent and pretty soon the background changed once more.

I was in a dark castle.
I couldn't see a thing. Every thing was pitch black and empty but then I heard movements, and  then precipitately the aqua eyes was staring right in front of me.
Just a pair of floating eyes, nothing more, nothing less.

I woke up with a gasp and saw the subitaneous crowd around me. And then a growling huge blonde wolf.
It was far much more bigger than the black wolf of my jerk ex mate.

It barred its teeth ferociously at me and was growling very loudly.
I willed my self to change very fast.

But it wasn't working.
Oh no.
I willed, pushed grunted, groaned, thought, imagined, portrayed, saw but nothing.
Nothing was happening.
I wasn't changing.

Suddenly the wolf jumped at me and clawed at my hands.
I rolled on the floor and clutched my hand tight.

It stung hard and I looked down to see dripping blood.
Oh God?!!
Why now?!!
Why can't I change now?!!
Why ?!!


Hey guys.
So I'll post another this evening.
What do you think of this chapter??
Will she leave them?
Will she lose?
Will greenie save her??
Read up and stay tuned? For the next post this evening.
Before I go, you think her mate deserves a second chance?
Leave opinion in the comment below.
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