Chapter 4

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Mia's POV

As I ran through the woods. The faint smell of others struck me. I heard running, of one, two , three, four, five, six..............ten!!!
other wolves.
Their steps rhythmic to my pounding heart, my breath rough and dry.

I leap in a haste, it becomes obsolete and crooked.
The fear embedded deep within, harrying my acuteness.

I picked up my pace, and ran fast and deeper into the forest. I had to find a way to mask my scent with the forest. Or stand a chance to be ripped up into shreds and served as appetizers to rogue pups.
No.... I had to have my revenge first. Who else will teach Marcus a lesson?...
I will survive...
I have to survive....

I came across a swamp, with sticky algae mixed with it's mud.
It was so disgusting.
The steps were getting nearer. I looked back, and then to the mud in front of me.
Mia contemplates, I fathom, together, we conclude.

C'mon Gina , it's the price we have to pay. It's now or never!!!

I closed my mouth after taking a deep breath and jumped into the swamp. It's entire fluid engulfed me and I was submerged  underneath. My fur became itchy and my eyes heavier than I feel my whole body. I couldn't open my eyes and I couldn't even consider opening my mouth to take in that gross mud.

My nose burned from the lack of gases exchange, and so did my lungs. My heart hammered, attempting to burst through my ribcage.
I struggled to stay a bit afloat, kicking and squirming, thrashing frantically. I couldn't make use of my nose, I couldn't risk breathing in so I had to base my trust mainly on my instincts, and truthfully, that felt worse than the situation.

The mud was totally sound proof, maybe even sense proof. My body felt numb and my brain overheating. 

After a few minutes when I couldn't take it anymore, I emerged from the swamp, took in a very deep breath.

Goddess, I would never regret breathing again!!.

The mud covered me totally and I was left from grey to brown. I was a mess.
I crawled out of the swamp  and shook as much of the mud that I could away from my fur.

I took a deep scent of my self, I smelt like soggy socks and dirt. So gross!!!

I moved a few feet away from the swamp and proceeded to run deeper into the forest. But I was stopped by the shock that overcame my whole body. My body froze, striken from the suprise that was before me.

There, three other wolves twice my size glared at me, barring their teeth. They smelt different from the wolves in my pack..... previous pack, but I doubt that was that accurate scent.
The smell of wet socks still clogged my nostrils.

However, among their scents, there was an unusual one. It stood out among the varieties of the others. It smelt so strong and stoic, it almost felt like it engulfed my senses.

I could feel my eyes weaken, accompanied with my senses. I shook my head out of the blurs but that seemed to ache my forehead. My ears stung and the bones in my legs shook and wobbled, destabilizing my stamina.

A sharp sound rang through my ears and my head pounded, like it was being hit by a large stone.
I tried to take a step forward but my hind legs gave way and I fell forward. My eyes was teary from squinting them too much and my nostrils was filled with too much scents that I couldn't comprehend.

I forced my self up, pushing my self with all the strength I could muster to stay up.
I don't want to be at mercy.

The sound of bones crunching filled the air, resonating the forest breeze to a cringing sound that lingered in the ears.
They were shifting...........the rogues before me were shifting.

I fell down, on both legs shaking my head momentarily trying to ease the pain. But that only made it worse.

The sudden urge to nauseate filled me and my throat got itchy.
My head swirled with pain, a weird sensational feeling sent a chill coursing through my bones.

Whatever it was that they were using, well it's impact was really dangerous to me.

I looked up through my tears to meet a pair of familiar ones, eyes I didn't even remember, jade eyes. Those eyes entrapped me into a locked gaze. Those eyes were the only things I could see right now, the rest were so blurry I couldn't make out any thing of them.

My head didn't want to take that risk either.

I tore my gaze off those, and faced the ground.
Then, as if controlled against my will, I began shifting.
My bones snapped and realigned in a different pattern, the human pattern.

My shift was quick, and soon my paws were replaced with hands and palms.

I willed my self to shift again, but my body was too weak to listen to anything I was thinking.

This couldn't be happening!!!

What had they done to me!!



I couldn't even answer my own queries when I felt something sting me in my legs.

I looked at my leg to see a syringe filled with some glistening liquid pierced into my knee. I stared at the syringe and then into the hand holding it, up to the face, but my eyes hadn't gotten quite better so I only, still saw blurs.

The hand on the syringe pushed it advancer inwards, pouring whatever liquid that was into my blood.

When the liquid made contact with my blood. I gasped.

It felt like every inch, every part, every single place in my body was stung with needles. Presumably like there was a battle going on inside
my body.

The throb in my head multiplied to an ultra level and I felt so pained.

My skin burned in pain. My voice
came out in whispers. My muscled contracted and refused to move. I couldn't move a single muscle inside of me. I felt so helpless.

The only thing I seemed to be able to control was my breathing and my blinking.

But of course, my eyelids sagged heavily over my eyes and threaten to shut themselves. I was fighting a battle with my entire body to stay awake, and I was obviously losing this.

When I couldn't take it anymore. I laid my head on the grass and willingly closed my eyes.

I accepted my fate...............

I slipped out of my serene state when I felt my self being carried, bridal style and taken away.

They were probably going to kill me in the home or cave or whatever..........just hope to not be awake then............

Then I passed out again...... the lingering smell of blood waking my temporarily dead nostrils even while unconscious.

But.....the smell of the blood, it's condoler was familiar.... It smelt like someone... Like my blood....

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