chapter 7

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Gina's POV

I sighed for the umpteenth time now.

Ugh!!....I hate this place

Nobody had told me anything since I woke up now, my memory hadn't even glitched for a second since I woke up,which has been one week ago now.

I can't believe it, two weeks gone and I've done literally nothing since then, not even a bath.

'well.....we could go check for a lake or river so you could take a bath. That would be the very first step for our escape if you think about it, at least you'd have an excuse to scout this area....what
do you think?' mia suggested

Well what other choice do I have

I took a sniff of my shirt and nearly puked.

So that's the rotten fish I've been smelling all day.
God!!!....I stink so bad!!

I immediately stood up and made to the nearest person I saw, a woman in her mid thirties I think I wasn't really sure, and to be honest I didn't know really care right now.

When I met up with her, she scrunched her nose with distaste and pushed me a little bit farer.
She looked at me in disbelief and scrunched her face in distortion along with her nose.

"Goodness.....don't you know what a bath is?" she looked dreaded as I took a step forward

"Well ma'am if you don't mind, I would like to know where I can get some clean clothes" I began walking menacingly towards her and smiled wickedly.
Finally,I had a blackmailer.

"W..What are you doing......don't come closer , my nose feels like it's about to-"
I immediately cut her off, I already knew what she wanted to say.

My nose is about to burst...ha! Just say you don't want to help!!

"Well if you'll be so kind, as to show me where I can get them...I'll go as far as I'm able too." I moved closer to her .

I could see from the corner of my eye the others closer to us held their nose to block out the smell.

I had to admit I felt bad for them, because even though I was supposed to be able to smell my nose was nearly blocked or stenched perhaps. And I was hardly breathing properly so yeah..........I do pity them.

".....okay....okay.....God!! get away, you can met Jason.....or sir of themwillhelpyoupleasegetaway.."

She was beginning to turn green from holding her breath too long and was on the verge of choking..
One of her hands on her lower face and using the other, she pointed to a grander and more sturdy tent with.....a door? actual wooden door held by cloth

Well done creativity

When I turned back to the woman, I saw her run behind the rows of other tents with both of her hand on her full mouth.
I had to bite my self from laughing out loud and merely nodded and turn to leave.

I went to the tent while walking I looked around the other houses......uhhh tents.....and yes they were tents with doors.
Why then was mine without doors?....
What a nice way to show hospitality don't you think?.

I wanted to touch them but reminded myself of my great stink as of now and it seemed to get me a lot of I withdrew my hands making a measureable distance from each of them.

When I reached the tent, I heard sounds from within

Sir, the packs scouts are much more closer to our hideout since the last time.

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