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"I expect that back soon, you know. "

I say nonchalantly, lowering my gaze to look April for a moment, before lifting my shirt back over my head. To my surprise, she scoffs, but says little else. Instead, she slips past me out of the supply closet and out into the hallway. Damn. Was the sex not good?

"April- "

I follow her out, thankful to see the hallways were still empty, meaning classes were still on. Only April occupies my vision, and a pause to watch the sway of her perfect hips, the curve of her waist.. and that hair, God, that hair. Thankfully, she slows to a reluctant stop and turns to face me, folding her arms across her chest. Her neck is glistening with a sheen of sweat, a post-sex glow that only makes me want to drag her back into the closet and have her all over again. However, judging by the annoyed -correction, pissed- look on her face, I'm not sure she wants me anywhere near her. 

"What, Blake?"

"This.. is casual, right?" 

I pocket my hands and give her a long, hard stare, ignoring how desperately I want her to open her mouth and say that no, this isn't casual, and she wants more. She wants me and me alone to give her the time, the effort she deserves. Instead, her jaw ticks, and she lifts her head. 

"Of course. That's what we agreed."


She looks momentarily confused, and even more so when I step forward to close the space between us, unbothered by the prospect of being caught at any moment. Anyone could pop out of their class, or a caretaker could come around a corner.. but it only makes my time in her presence that much more precious. Lifting a hand, I brush my fingertips across her cheek, silently compelling her to look at me. Instead, her head remains fixated downwards. Lowering my hand to her chin, I tilt it upwards, forcing her to meet my gaze. Then, I speak, my voice quiet. Private, for her. 

"So, if I don't demand your attention for a couple weeks.. there shouldn't be a problem. I've known you for far too long not to notice when you're pissed off, and if one little blip without fucking me annoys you.. well, perhaps you're too attached."

Agree with me, April. Tell me it's true. Please.

She abruptly steps back, far enough so my hand falls down to my side. She says nothing, and instead just looks.. offended. Shit. Perhaps I've been reading her wrong all this time, hoping that her feelings match mine. I've heard rumours about April's past with other relationships, that she never quite feels enough.. enough anything. She dumps them all before it gets serious. How could I think for even a second that it would be different with me? Looking at her, the expression she offers me in return can only be described using a single word. Cold. Turning, she moves to walk away from me, but not before glancing over her shoulder and saying;

"I'll see you tonight."

I frown.

"What's tonight?"

I can't see her face, but by the sound of her voice, it almost seems as if she's smiling. 


She disappears around the corner before I have the chance to respond. How the fuck could I forget? It's been weeks since our last dinner. I think back to last night, my Mom on the phone for hours, wine glass in hand, giggling with the person on the end of the phone. It must've been Mrs Jones, the pair getting carried away while planning tonight's dinner. Usually, I hate these things- don't get me wrong, our parents have a great friendship, and I love Mr and Mrs Jones like second parents. However, April tends to do whatever she can to make sure I have a miserable time. Now, after today.. who knows what she'll have planned; all I know is that I won't likely be getting that penny back soon. I remember then a dinner from a long, long time ago, when April and I must have been about nine or ten. It had been a birthday a few days before, and my parents had given me money to buy her a present. I had pretended not to have any idea what to buy her, while all the time I knew exactly what she'd want. Whenever I saw her at practice, she'd whine and whine about hating how dull her skates were. So, I'd gone out and bought her a pair of shining silver laces. I'd been so proud of my purchase until I showed up to the house. She opened the door, all smiling and pleased.. and laughed at my hair. The laces had been scrunched up in my pocket, and there, in that moment, I decided she didn't deserve them. Instead, when we were all at the table, I told her I hadn't bought her anything, because why would I? She cried that evening, and my parents demanded I get her something for the following dinner. When the time came and I still hadn't, I'd been grounded for a month. Still, I blame her.

Exhaling, I spin on my heel just as the bell rings, a flood of students suddenly piling out of their classrooms. Naturally, I step back, waiting for Tyler and James as they come out of the nearest classroom, instantly beelining in my direction. James is the first to reach me, where he lifts a hand to ruffle his hair, all ginger and spiky. I force myself to grin as Tyler stops at James' side. 

"What are you doin' tonight, Beckett?"

I raise a brow at Tyler. "Busy." 

"Not tonight, you're not." James chips in, her lips curling into a knowing smile.

"Oh, yeah?"

I question as we turn to walk down the hallway, those in our way naturally moving to step aside. Sometimes the whole 'high school royalty' thing drives me nuts, but I suppose it has its perks. It would seem, however, the only person whose effect I want it to work on wants nothing more than sex. Tyler sounds practically brimming with excitement, and he continues.

"Anna Yang was talking about you in history.. said she was throwing a party tonight, and she wants you there.. really  wants you there."

We all eventually slow to a stop by my locker, to which I lift my free hand to open. Admittedly, Anna Yang is beautiful- from memory, we once hooked up in her hot tub. She's one of the richest girls we know, the type to own a huge fuck-off mansion and make sure we all know about it. Her parties are always where the most shit unfolds, and often where the most mistakes are made. They're crazy, and the invites are usually exclusive. Of course, neither myself nor my friends ever fail to receive an invite, but I haven't heard of one so..keen before.


I sigh, relaxing my back against the locker. The pair look at me, their expressions expectant. My phone buzzes, and I know all too well it will be my Mom reminding me about later. I ignore it.

"I'll see you there."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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