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I haven't even been in Tyler's house for ten seconds, and I can already tell it's going to be a hectic night. The entire team is here, alongside just about every teenager above the age of sixteen in Bluestown. I'm supposed to be walking around, slapping friends on the back and flashing a dazzling smile toward any female who catches my gaze whilst I'm still buzzing with the adrenaline of a win. However, I feel out of place, deflated as I move my way down the corridor.

I don't want to talk about it again..and I don't want you to kiss me again.

I don't want you to kiss me again.

The words are printed in big bold letters across my mind, and I can't make them go away, no matter how much I tell myself they mean nothing. I'll admit, it was a huge punch to my ego to be rejected like that- especially by her. I'd psyched myself up so much that I hadn't even considered that she may not actually want to be with me. I need to get her out of my head.

I weave my way around a group of guys I don't talk to, who all greet me. I offer them a nod over my shoulder, before eventually finding my way into the kitchen. The table in the centre of the room is packed with large bottles of alcohol, and while I don't like to drink heavily nor often, I reach to mix myself a vodka and coke, which ends up much too strong. I sip at it anyway, stepping back to lean my weight back against a wall. Tyler jumps up from somewhere and bounced across to me, raising his voice so that I can hear him over the music.

"Man, it is packed!"


He abruptly stops and childishly folds his arms across his chest. I raise a brow.

"Blake, dude, what's with the long face?"


He grins.

"That drink should help you with that. Come on, down it."

Usually, I would lightly smack him across the head and tell him to find a desperate to order around. Instead, however, I tip my head back and gulp the contents of my cup down, the alcohol like fire down my throat. I grimace, levelling my head once more. I offer Tyler a similar grin.


"Overjoyed, my friend. Come."

He beckons for me to follow, and I do so, allowing him to lead us through the crowds of people until we've reached the back door. We step out into his back garden, which is packed with the guys from the team and a few of the girls Jay and James like to call 'The Top Twenty'. It's disgusting, really. They have a list of girls they think are the most attractive in town. They aren't entirely wrong about their choices, but it still feels gross. I look around, telling myself that there's no way she's here. Despite being very far up the list, she wouldn't come here after what happened..would she? She's gone to every other party, I've seen her. We've never spoken at these kind of events, but we've always acknowledged that the other is there. Every now and then, we'll brush past each other in a hallway, or catch each other's gazes across the room. I hate how unsettled I feel once I realise she isn't here. Clearly, I haven't had enough to drink.

"Blake, c'mere,"

Lucas gestures me over to him. He's standing beside a girl in front of the outdoor ping-pong table, cups lined up ready for a game. Another girl stands at the opposite end of table, alone. I recognise her as I move to stand beside her. Mackenzie Flyer. She isn't on the list, purely because she goes to a private school just out of town. She's a figure skater, with a slim waist and long blonde hair. She's undeniably hot, but she has nothing on April.

I frown, and Mackenzie tilts her head to look at me, smiling a flirtatiously.

"Something wrong with being my partner?"

"No..not at all."

I recover quickly, forcing my expression into that of curiosity as I allow my gaze to sink downwards from the blonde's face, surveying her body up and down. By the time I reach her face again, she's blushing. It's almost too easy. The girl beside Lucas speaks.

"Are we playing or what?"


I speak and reach to grab the ping pong ball. I throw it across the table, and it lands cleanly in the cup closest to Lucas. He groans.

"I forget you're good at everything."

"Surely not everything."

"Well, there are some things I am..especially good at."

I glance across at her, allowing my lips to curve into a smirk. She rolls her eyes and nudges my side, watching as Lucas downs the drink. Then, he picks up the ball, tossing it into the cup beside me. I lift it, down it, then pass the ball to Mackenzie. We go on like this for several minutes- playing and drinking and flirting. By the time the game is over, Mackenzie and I have come out with a strong win and enough chemistry for a class. We walk over towards where everyone has seated themselves out across the outdoor loungers, my hand slung loosely around her waist. When I sit down, she takes me by surprise and slides down onto my lap. I shift to adjust to her weight, but make no complaints. I've drunk enough now that she actually turns me on, whereas typically..blondes aren't really my type.

Conversation floats around the group of us, my friends chatting up the girls beside them, beers passing around, flirtatious comments drunkenly tossed. The party still rages indoors, whereas outside everything is slightly calmer, though remains upbeat. Bored, I brush my hand across Mackenzie's thigh, and she tilts her head to give me typical 'fuck me' eyes, batting her lashes as though she's so innocent. I lean forward then, raising my free hand to cup her jaw as I bring her lips to mine. She opens for me immediately, and I kiss her deeply. She tastes like strawberry, her lips sticky with gloss. I can't help but feel put off by it, because all I can think of was that mint taste of April, the way she kissed with an understated sort of confident- smooth, and not desperate and sloppy. Mackenzie is all hands and slop, which I suppose is because she's so drunk. When she leans back to catch her breath, I keep my eyes closed for a moment, hoping that, when I open them, it is who I want it to be.

"Do you wanna..?"

Mackenzie murmurs, and I open my eyes to see that she's brushing manicured fingertips towards my crotch, I gently grasp her wrist, pausing her.

"Not tonight..this is..enough."

She looks confused for a moment, and I know it's because she knows what I'm like- especially after a win. However, I'm not going to be the dickhead that sleeps with a girl with another on his mind. Kissing is where I'll draw the line- until she is out of my head, I won't have sex with anyone.

Mackenzie nods and leans forward to kiss me again. I hesitate, though kiss her back.

Fuck me for thinking getting drunk would fix this problem.

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