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Sitting in an audience at the rink has got to be one of the weirdest experiences ever- I've grown so accustomed to the one being watched, that being amongst at least a hundred people looking out at the ice is just..it's strange. Even still, it's not like we aren't catching attention ourselves. The entire teams takes up a clump of seats, and we've been interrupted by various parents and fans asking for photos or telling us their 'sons are gonna be on the team some day'. We smile and nod and crack jokes, but I feel a little guilty- today isn't about us. Luckily, one of the judges stands and requests silence, so we all fall quiet. I shift in my seat, Tyler nudging me.

"There's your girl, Blake."

"Figure-skaters ban, my ass."

Jay mutters from the seat behind me, and I glance over my shoulder to see him roll his eyes. It's annoying, but it's fair enough.

"Fine, the ban is lifted at parties. You're welcome."

Jay scoffs, and I smirk, knowing there's nothing he can say in protest. I turn my attention back towards Tyler, though scan for who he's talking about. At first, I think he means April, but she's not there. I spot Mackenzie and she too looks up, smiling my way. I look away. I didn't speak to her after the scene she caused at the party, calling April a slut. The changing room door opens, and out she comes. Even from afar, despite her stressed expression, she looks beautiful. Her dress sparkles as it catches the light, but it's her face that shines the brightest. My gaze hovers momentarily on her chest, and I remember the night before, her in that lace, visible for all to see. My jaw clenches, knowing that each one of the guys probably went home with that very same image on their minds. April lifts her head, and I look at Mackenzie. Think of Mackenzie, damn it. She's..easier.

The judge announces the first competitor forward, and the crowd watched as April steps out onto the ice.

"Time to see if she's as good as people say."

Tyler murmurs, leaning forward in his seat. April readies herself in the centre of the ice, arms held above her head. For a moment, there is silence. Then, music starts. I recognise it from yesterday morning. I'd heard her practicing to it, then listened to it on the way home. It's 'Turning Tables' by Adele, the woman's voice echoing across the rink. And just like that, the girl on the ice becomes a swan, and the swan dances. I hear the grinding of her inside edge against the ice as she picks up speed, moving in perfect time with the music. She lifts a leg, pushes off the ice, and she's airborne, rotating one, two, three times. She lands, but not a second later she's in the air again, spinning twice. She lands smoothly on one leg, and I catch a glimpse of her face. She looks so concentrated, yet proud. The crowd applauds, and myself and the team follow suit, clapping. We don't know much about figure skating, but even I know it was impressive. April is already off again, except she twists her legs outwards and slowly leans back, and she keeps leaning until her fingertips are skimming the ice above her head. Tyler whispers beside me.

"How the hell does she do that?"

I shrug, entranced as she straightens up. Damn. The core strength a person must need to pull themselves up from that position is phenomenal. I watch as she spins around and around, lowering herself into a seated sort of position. I watch her blade as she rotates, knowing that one slip could be the difference between success and failure. She straightens and skates forward, moving backwards. The crowd leans forward, including me. She digs the toe of her skate into the ice, and she jumps. Another triple. She lands, and I see Carla jumping up and down. Except, April isn't done there. She jumps again, a double, then again, another double. She lands over and over, and just when I think she's finished, she lands a third triple. At this point, the crowd has gone nuts. I hear a couple sitting nearby, the man speaking.

"That's olympic potential, right there."

I shake my head in disbelief, watching as April slows into her finishing position, the music fading. We all jump up, shouting and cheering. She was incredible. I see her parents closer to the ice, looking so, so proud.

"How any of the others are gonna top that, I have no idea."

Jackson speaks up, and I nod in agreement. Tyler snickers and speaks to Jay.

"You fumbled there, huh?"

"I wouldn't have if Beckett didn't-"

I don't hear the end of what he says, because I'm watching April skating off the ice and to a little benched area, sitting beside Carla. Carla hugs her tight, the pair visible on the large screens above the rink. The judges look deep in discussion, before they all eventually reach some kind of agreement. They hand their papers to a man, who walks to the microphone.

"April Jones, with a score of 47.3 for her short program."

This earns her another rapturous applause, and she looks completely overwhelmed. On the screen, you can see that she's crying. I'm just as shocked as she is, because she was so incredibly close to a perfect score.

"Short program?"

"She still needs to skate her long program for her overall score- but she's already way ahead."

Cam, who is seated in front of me, turns his head to explain. I nod in understanding, glancing at the time. Sheesh, these things lasted longer than I thought they did.

The rest of the short programs go by painfully slow, all of them scoring nowhere near as April. Mackenzie was closest with a 40.3, but her program was boring, just like the others. It seemed as though the only person who skated with genuine passion rather than a need to win was April. When the long programs came around, the same thing was repeated, April skating beautifully and earning loud applause- it seem she is certainly a crowd favourite. I've heard the words 'Bluestown's Champion' uttered a fair amount of times from within the crowd, and I can't help but agree. When all the programs are finally finished, the judges step up to announce the final scores and winners. Everyone is silent, though we all knew who has this thing wrapped around her finger.

"Third place, Charity Knocksort, with an overall score of 191.5 points. Second place, Mackenzie Summers with an overall score of 205.6 points. And, our champion of the competition, scoring a total of 224 points...April Jones!"

The crowd leaps back into action, and I watch as April practically jumps on Carla, who is laughing and cheering. Someone comes and takes a podium out onto the ice, and the judges walk out. All three girls skate out, where they are helped up onto their places on the podium. Charity gains a bronze medal, Mackenzie a silver, and April a shining gold. They're also given large bouquets of flowers, which they hold with pride. Mackenzie and Charity turn to applaud April, who beams and waves a hand to the crowd. I catch her gaze for just a split second, and I swear my heart breaks as I watch her smile falter.

"What a day, huh?"

Tyler stretches, standing.

"You can say that again."

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