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The chanting from outside sounds so loudly I can hear it from within the changing rooms, feeling the shaking of the floor as fans slam their feet to the ground and clap their hands together. Despite it being the whole team who is about to come out and play, it is my name they chant, and I don't know whether to feel guilty, or immensely proud. MY name. Me. Captain.

"They want you, Beckett."

Someone speaks to me in a teasing manner, and I think it may be Tyler. Or Jackson. Or Lucas. I don't care, because the only thing on my mind is April. Kissing her this morning was never on my agenda, but I don't regret it at all. I thought doing it would get her out of my head, out of my system, but it's only made things worse...or, better? What's strange about all of this is that I actually like liking her. She fit so perfectly against me, wrapped in my arms. She looked even more beautiful the moment after I kissed her- all flushed and out of breath. Because of me. And, God, those lips- I could kiss her all day. She tasted like fresh mint and strawberries, her hair smelled like coconut. The curve of her hip was as though it were molded specifically for my hand- or perhaps that's what I want to think. She certainly can't be made for anyone else, especially Jay. He doesn't deserve to touch her. Not now, not ever. I hope that, after this game, I can convince her to go out with me. Just one date. One date, so I can show her I'm so much more than her asshole enemy from preschool.

"Blake- helloooo? Earth to Blake?"

I blink and lift my head. Lucas stands above me.

"It's time, man. Head in the game, yeah?"

"As always."

I grin and rise to a stand. I cannot allow April to distract me, at least until the end of this game. Especially if she's here- it would be too embarrassing to lose in front of her. Losing used to mean she was better than me, but now it means she may not want to go out with me.

Shit, I sound like a kid.

"Alright, team, gather round."

I raise my voice and gesture my hand inwards for our usual pre-game team talk. All of the boys rise from their seats and shuffle over. It's a bit awkward considering we're all in full gear besides helmets. Think of it like trying to over-stuff a bag with large marshmallows. Awkward.

"Big game today, but we've worked hard. These Spitestown fuckers are on our ice, and they've got no idea what's coming."

"Here, here!"

Tyler hollers, and we all stomp our feet. The crowd outside grow louder, and the door opens. There's a brief burst of sound as Coach Miller strolls in, which eases when he closes the door. We all fall silent, waiting for him to speak.

"Cam, James, Harry- you're benched until you're needed."

The three boys nod and I see Cam lower his head. He isn't usually benched starting off, so he must be feeling pretty shit. I hope Coach puts him on at some point so that he can prove how good he is. I look to Coach, and he's standing there, staring pointedly at us. We say nothing.


Distance cheers still audible.

"Go, then!"

We jump to action, and I lead the way to the door, swinging it open. We all walk out into the view of the crowd, and I can tell instantly that the seats are full of fans from both towns. Across the ice, the Spitestown Spurs are also walking out, waving across to people. I scan the crowd, spotting my parents. I offer them a wave, but my gaze keeps scanning. Then, I see her. She's sitting with Lou, her hair loose across her shoulders, kept warm by a grey sweater. What she's wearing isn't an attention-grabber, but I would still spot her in a crowd three times this size. Her clothes don't matter- she's still breathtaking. I catch her gaze, and I smile. She smiles back, weakly, but I notice.

Driven by a newfound confidence, we step out onto the ice, lining up in our positions. Oddly enough, the opposing team's captain is nowhere to be seen- perhaps he got another injury or something. I can't complain, seeing as I hate the guys guts.

The crowd goes quiet, just for a moment, then the buzzer sounds. It's time to play.

We won at a close 4-3, with me scoring within the last five minutes. Their keeper wasn't expecting a hat-trick from me, seeing as I'd been playing fast all game. He would've assumed I would be tired. He was wrong. The adrenaline of the game pumping through my veins, I step off the ice, where I am greeted by a gaggle of men and women reporters alike, all wanting to know which college I'll be attending, which team I'll be playing for, where I want my career to go- all of which I have no response to. I still don't want to think about any of it. Right now, I want to talk to April. As I head over to my parents, I look for her. However, I don't see her anywhere. Deciding she must be outside, I reach my parents, and am greeted by a large bear-hug from my mom.

"You were brilliant!"

"Thanks, Mom."

"Keep it up, kid."

My dad reaches to pat me on the shoulder. Him and I don't really do the whole physical affection thing, but we have our small ways of showing our love. His little pat is one of him. I offer him a grin, then speak.

"I've gotta change- then they'll be the party at Tyler's-"

"Back by midnight."

My mom says, stepping back from me. Dad wraps an arm around her shoulder, and leads her away. I wave, then feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin on my heel, and there she is.


"This..us..thing- it's not going to work. I don't want to talk about it again..and I don't want you to kiss me again."

It takes me a few moments to process that I have been well and truly rejected for the first time, by the only girl I've ever wanted to actually see. My mouth falls open, and by the time I've attempted a response, she's walking away.


She keeps walking, and doesn't look back.

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