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who the fuck told me to get sick? i already have to sneak out to go to work and get back before my parents are up. but with me not feeling well, they've been on me.

as soon as we land from the jet, i have to go to work. no matter the time. i told them they had me temporarily, not full time. so whenever i can, is when they'll see me. that's something they had no choice but to understand.

i'll be on business calls if i have to.

which is now. everyone's sleeping but i'm waiting on this zoom meeting to start. bey is wrapped around my waist as i sit against the headboard. this is a really nice jet, im glad i picked this one. there's things for everyone to do as we fly but they're sleeping.

thankfully though.

i put my glasses on and pushed them up seeing as they were starting to join the call. beys hair was slightly in the camera so i pushed the computer back. they don't need to see her.

"good afternoon ms.maraj."

"good afternoon mr.williams."

i was curled in a ball still in my glasses with my computer set up. i'm so tired. they wanted to talk all day and night. we're about to land in a bit so i need to get up.

probably in the next hour or less.


"mm?" i hummed but didn't move. then i felt a presence and opened my eyes to see lyric. she pulled my glasses off my face and closed the computer.

"come up there with us. you've been in here the entire time."

i stretched my body and sat up so i could go up there. jesus. i'm half naked, got comfortable but i need to get up for real. the last thing i want is another speech from momma about how family matters.

"plus you should eat and take some medicine."

"i'm not taking any medicine lyric." i mumbled getting up and grabbed a robe to put on. she handed me some slippers so i slid them on as well before going out.

i went to a couch, leaning over on my legs to get myself together. wasn't long because i felt small hands on my back making me sit up. aw my baby missed me. he's always so quiet, i forget that he's even around.

"hey big boy." i pulled him to my lap. he laid on my chest and rubbed where my tattoo is. we both sat there with our eyes closed softly rubbing each other. i rubbed his back in a circle.

"here onika." i felt the couch dip and looked over to see momma. she had a small cup full of medicine. girl i'm not taking all that shit. nasty ass stuff. "now, girl."

i closed my eyes back. that shit is disgusting and i'll gag if i take it. momma know i can't just swallow all that. she be trying to test my luck.

"momma no."

"i'm not playing with you."

"i'm not playing either." i mumbled and got up with ky. he was hooked to me like he never wanted to let go. my stinky man.

"take the medicine baby." bey whispered to me as i sat next to her. i ignored her too and closed my eyes. if they don't leave me alone. i don't even feel that bad right now. "we land in jamaica soon." she laid on my shoulder and wrapped her arm around ky.

i'm dreading the moment we get off. i don't know how i'm gonna leave for work without someone asking me where i'm going. everyone is just so damn nosy.

jesus take the wheel.

"can you come with me please?" i begged bey. she was acting all tired like she didn't wanna go anywhere but i don't wanna go by myself. and she's hurting my feelings telling me no. "plleeaasseee. i'm gonna cry."

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