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after a long ass 10 hour flight, we finally made it to our hotel. kelly and i had been sleep the whole damn time. i'm about to go right back to sleep. beyoncé really outdid herself.

she had me in that bed all freaking day until i had to get up. i'm sore, tired, everything. my legs feel like jello. this girl marked me up so much that kelly thought we'd fought. and it's not even that bad, just a couple purple hickies.

i used the key to unlock our door and we went inside. she went to the left and i went to the right. beds immediately. this time difference is killing me. it's early in the morning here....like super early. it's 3am.....which means it's only 8pm back at home. ugh.

"don't forget you have a meeting at 12." kelly peeked her head in the room and i groaned. jesus christ, i definitely forgot. this is why i needed someone to come with me because i would not be on track. "forgot huh?"

"yes." i mumbled taking my shirt off. i've got a couple hours to sleep and i'm about to get it in. if the meeting is at 12, then i need to wake up at 10 so i can be ready and fine in time. so 7 hours of sleep, say less.

"i'm going to sleep now, don't wake me up when you leave."

"bullshit, you're coming with me." i grumbled from the pillow. that's why i made her come. i'm not trying to go anywhere by myself.


"yes." i sat up looking at her. she smacked her lips and rolled her eyes before leaving out my room. i'm dead ass so she better get up when i wake her up. i'll be so mad if she doesn't get up.

like heated. so she better go to sleep now.

"mmmmmmm!" i groaned as i was being shook. it feel like i blinked.

"get up."


"what? get your ass up girl. you want me to go with you everywhere, we're not gonna be late."

i huffed getting out the bed and went to the restroom. the smell of breakfast filled my nose so i knew she'd ordered room service. yes cause i'm starving. couldn't even eat because beyoncé wanted to fuck all day.

i'm not mad at it.

"your plate is on the table. i'm not sleep, i'm just in the room."

"alright, thank you." i brushed my teeth. having kelly around is like having your mother. that's why i begged her because i knew it would be okay. having michelle, we would've both been fucked. someone needs to be on their shit.

i got my clothes and hair stuff out before going to eat really quick. kelly was indeed in her room but i knew she was talking to her kids. that's just her, she's such a mother. it's like 3am there, why are those babies up?

when she came out the room she was dressed already and sat to eat.

"so what made you take this trip?"

"bey and i needed a break." i drunk some orange juice. this is the one i can actually talk to without some messy shit. michelle....thats a pointless conversation. "we were clashing and i wasn't making shit no better with my attitude."

"so some time away was your solution?"

"yep. i think we take each others presence for granted sometimes."

"that could be it. i can see that. beyoncé gotta be losing her shit right now." she chuckled making me do the same. "y'all are like opposites. i didn't see how y'all would make the relationship work for a long time but the type of opposites you guys are, it's like you attract."

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