The Best day Part 2

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Taylor looked out at the field through the the window in the Arrowhead stadium box seat. She stood next to Donna, an older woman with a delightful face and exuberant spirit. Most people would think it was a little nuts to meet the mom of the guy you are dating so early but this wasn't a normal situation. Donna is beloved by Kelce fans and Taylor could see why. She was a super supporter and so proud of her boys Taylor couldn't help but smile at her as she gushed about them. Taylor and her assistant, Kate, who was somewhere in the box taking notes on the Chiefs, took a party bus with Travis' friends and family from his house to the game.

It was a light hearted, all American experience. She felt a certain freedom as she hadn't been in such a casual environment in so long. She was usually surrounded by security, sometimes in armored cars with an entire motorcade to ensure her safety. She loved her actual fans but there were always the deranged men who thought they were in a relationship or that they were married to her. Unfortunately, she made a habit of carrying wound dressings with her just in case things got out of hand.

But here, she wasn't the main attraction. Unlike the past 6 months of visiting arenas, this crowd was here to see someone else play. The energy was palpable as the crowd cheered yelling for another type of entertainer.

A twenty something girl seated a few rows down waved profusely at Taylor and held up her phone with huge letters that read "I love you TS!". Taylor felt both comforted and highly aware of her network of fans ever present. She smiled and formed a heart with her hands to return the love. The young woman started screaming thank you and may have started crying. But things had been pretty tame, minus when Travis did his signature archer move right at her sitting in the box. The stadium had erupted and she felt all eyes on her face heated. She put on a smile and clapped like the rest of the spectators waiting for the cameras to move off of her. Travis, was not someone to shy away from flaunting their coupling, keeping it so light hearted it felt like just the two of them were in on the ruse, making it easier to enjoy it. Things did feel so natural with him, maybe that was because the emotional stakes were so low; it was freeing. A stark contrast to her experience with Joe, who could barely smile at her in public for fear of making a spectacle. She knew it wasn't personal, they had decided to keep their relationship private, however that decision was was at odds with her career being fueled by eyeballs.

The level of fame where strangers in all parts of the world yell and take your picture makes things complicated. Taylor always viewed it as a privilege but it requires much more planning for even the simplest outings and can be alienating. Especially for those she loves and for people who attempted to love her, making that cohort grow smaller and smaller.

Taylor played with her gold necklace with one hand and took a sip of her beer with the other. Her stylist helped pick out a very an appropriate outfit with a nod to her 1989 album aesthetic; white tank top knit, red and white chiefs jacket, red lips, matching nails, her signature cat eye and some gold jewelry.

Donna leaned in and asked over the noisy chatter of the box, "So Taylor, have you always been a Chiefs fan?"

"Historically, I've rooted for your other son. I'm originally from West Reading, Pennsylvania and an Eagles fan at heart. But don't tell Travis!" She put her pointer finger over her lips and looked side to side mischievously. Someone behind her bumped her elbow accidentally as they high fives someone else in the box. Silly as it may be, she was grateful, blended into the crowd enough to be nonchalantly bumped was a novel experience.

Donna chuckled, "You're secret is safe with me. But if you wanna have some fun with Trav, you let him know. He's always been chasing what Jason has. We can add your fandom to that list." She winked and let out a clap and a cheer as the Chiefs got a second down.

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce : The Full Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें