Prologue : The one

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This is my first story so please leave me comments & feedback :)

Taylor was devastated. She had suspected something like this was coming but now that it had, she could barely breathe. Joe finally uttered the words that had been lingering in the air for the duration of their multi-day, multi hour, tumultuous conversation.

"I want to break up."

Despite having vibrating anxiety leading up to this point, hearing the actual words made all of the molecules in her body still. It was both a gut punch and, in some ways, a relief. What she feared, what she had nightmares about, had finally happened.

He was leaving. Six years down the drain.

They sat in the kitchen of her New York penthouse apartment that they had been living in together. She loved her white counter tops, pendant lights and Viking stove that made up here Nacy Meyers kitchen. She shifted in her seat at the kitchen island to draw some awareness to her physical body and stared at him. She wrapped her arms around her body and crossed her legs trying to give herself a hug she desperately needed.

His hair was disheveled from running his hands through it in frustration. His Henley shirt was unbuttoned at the top showing just enough of his chest made him look casually cool with his light denim jeans and sneakers, that she bought him. His effortless allure was one of the things that had initially attracted her to him. He leaned his medium build body against the kitchen counter opposite of her and folded his arms, waiting for her response.

"If that is what you want..." She managed to choke out. She played with a button on her cardigan sweater. She was hoping to curl up with Joe for the early April spring weekend.

He spoke evenly and slowly, so sure of the words he was saying "I don't see a path forwards. You are gone all the time, we want different things there is no space for me, for us, anymore."

"At our core we want the same things."

"Not any more. Pragmatically, starting a family in the next two years isn't going to happen."

He was right, it wasn't. And if that is what he really wanted, she couldn't give it to him on that timeline. It was especially painful because all her friends from home were on their second and third kids. But She made commitments, had been planning for this time in her career for years and now it was all coming together. She wouldn't slow down and let this moment pass her by.

"I just don't understand why you can't wait to start a family until the tour is over? We've been planning this for years."

"Planning it was different. I can't make it through the next two years. You love the accolades, awards and the praise. You seek so much validation from other people telling you that you're great. It shouldn't matter what other people say, but it's like a drug for you. I can't compete.

I should be enough. But you need the press, the public, the critics, everyone to love and respect you all the time. But honestly, who cares?! They hated you, now they love you. Now that they love you, you can't stop trying to make them love you more. It's like you are competing with yourself to be more and more thirsty for their attention. You should just be making art for the love of making art and fuck everyone else."

Anger and hurt welled up inside of her chest. She knew he never loved the award shows and red carpets but never knew he was down right disgusted with them, with her. All she had achieved, what she was proud of, he thought her motivations were pathetic. Which, made her feel pathetic. She couldn't help but become highly aware of her body. Despite being a very normal if not fairly athletic body type she felt huge. She looked down at her thighs pushed together on the barstool. Why is it that whenever girls feel insecure about something they think to themselves if only I was skinnier. Especially when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. But here she was, wishing she was thinner, prettier and more naturally cool. She tried so hard at everything. It was just who she was.

Her mind started racing; who would she would tell, what she would say and more importantly, what she wouldn't say. Most people go through the awkward experience telling friends and family about a break up while fielding slightly prying yet sympathetic questions. However, Taylor had the press and more than 270 million followers who would be come individual Sherlock Homes' in order to decipher her personal life. And, if they arrived at an unsavory solve to her relationship case, they would turn on her.

In the past they had, during that time Joe was her rock. He had been there to support her when her career took a backseat, when the world went through a global pandemic and when she struggled with mental health challenges. How could the two of them have weathered all of that to end up here? And if this man who had seen every beautiful and ugly inch of her decided to leave who would stay?

He was so kind, creative and charismatic which balanced out his cynical and highly critical lens he looked at life through. He had such high standards, was so unimpressed by so much, yet he chose her; it made her feel special. She hated that she loved that about him. She needed his approval and until recently, he gave it to her.

Seconds that felt like minutes pass. 

"I'm sorry I care! I'm sorry you have such an issue with who I am. "

"You're taking it the wrong way. The movie is filming in Italy. I'll be back by the time you are on tour again and I'll clean my stuff out then."

Yes, the movie. It has started filming in the time the tour starec. They used to follow each other. He would be with her while writing or escaping to upstate during COVID. But now they were in different time zones, her traveling to new cities, him running lines with his co-star for 12-18 hours days making it hard to communicate, and near impossible to see one another.

Never mind the annoying rumors about Joe and his costars getting chummy. She knew better than to read into the tabloid headlines too much but with their relationship slipping away it was hard to completely block it out.

Her tour was just starting and there were som kick stop e worked out. Pulling off a how of thes magnitude at sold out stadiums was hard with (X) trucks of stage, (X) dancers, (X) staff and special effects all of which was riding on her to not miss a head. It was exhilarating and exhausting but she loved the raw feminist power and feelings of love that the show was creating.

"You're making it sound like it is all my fault. But you've been gone for the movie. And our schedules just make it impossible to talk or spend time together. That'll change. This is the first time we have both had major projects happening at the same time. We just need to weather the storm."

He just shook his head. She understood that despite being there for her at her worst, but he just couldn't accept her at her best.

"Please don't announce anything. I want to form a strategy first" she pleaded.

"God, even our breakup is a public spectacle." He scoffed.

She silently nodded as she broke inside and walked out, her vision blurry because her eyes were about to spill over with tears. Share barely made it through the arched doorway before the water overflowed her eyes and streaking down her face. The grief was already setting in, she felt like she was going to die if she didn't turn around and make sure he never left her again. How was she supposed to survive without him? Her life was so entwined with his. Phone calls, inside jokes, writing songs together, tripes to her holiday house is Rhode Island. All of those experiences would never be the same and the memories were almost tarnished with the new revelation that he didn't actually respect parts of who she was.

Despite the overwhelming claws scratching at her insides she needed a plan. Through the tears she walked up the stairs to her room and texted her mom, Andrea, and publicist, Tree Paine

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