Chapter 1 : Mastermind

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It had been 3 months since her insides had started oscillating from crushed to numb to angry. The press and her fans had picked up the easter eggs and naturally occurring signs that her and Joe had ended. Aside from changing songs in her set list and giving a few knowing looks during selected lyrics while performing Taylor and Tree had decided that silence was the best option. Her fans loved to analyze her movements so she gave them sips of her tea but never the entire cup.

She didn't have the luxury of neglecting her physically body as some people might with break ups. She had to stick to a ridging sleeping and eating schedule so she could physically perform 2-3 nights a week to sold out stadiums.

She had just returned to her Beverly Hills Estate from performing at Lumen Field in Seattle. During which, her fans had actually generated seismic activity equivalent of a 2.3 magnitude earthquake.There was something poetic about her fans enjoying themselves so much that the earth vibrated. But now she was getting ready to perform 5 nights at SoFi stadium in Los Angeles and film her "Eras Tour" Movie.

The break up hadn't negatively influenced Taylor's public standing, on the contrary, it rallied women around her. Taylor had thrown herself into the show making it her priority to give her fans the most entertaining, feminist, fun and fluffy feeling filled show they had ever experienced.She loved how women and men of all ages and woks of life were coming to see her sing while ending with each other through dancing and the exchange of home made friendship bracelets.

She had tried to dip back into the dating pool and date the formula one driver, Fernando Alonso but the postwar period of her break up was still so raw. She hadn't dated in years and forgot how to flirt. Additionally, she wasn't a normal person looking to date. She had so much baggage professionally and personally she had a hard time even believing anyone would want to date her.

Honestly, she just wanted Joe to know she had moved on but she hadn't. She also wanted to drown out the headlines that he was hanging out with his co-star. And had potentially been doing so in an inappropriately close way before their break up. She knew she couldn't trust headlines but this one hurt. Their rift had started to widen when he began filming. She thought it was the distance but couldn't help but ponder if it was something more. She had been talking to her Mom and Tree about it. Tree reassured her it was nothing to worry about but Taylor saw the potty in her eyes. They both knew there was a possibility Joe hadn't been faithful.

It was ironic, the entire world loved her just as Joe rescinded his love. She cognitively knew she needed to love herself but self doubt was constantly creeping in. When she looked in the mirror, when the show had a minor mistake, when she was tired and stayed awake looking up at the ceiling at midnight. Anxiety would creep in and all she could do is think about how large she felt. Metaphorically, too big for anyone to love normally. She couldn't walk out her door without a barrage of popparatzi and fans, escape the constant threat of crazy people or stalker, go to an impomptu dinner without a security detail, or avoid being a tabloid headline. And physically, she was too tall for most guys under 5' 11' to feel secure around her (and that is only if she never wore heels).

Taylor was fixing her self a snack while planning out her afternoon in her 10,982-square-foot Georgian Revival mansion. The house had seven bedrooms and 10 baths, and was under going renovations to restore it to it's original glory as was intended for the original owner, Samuel Goldwyn, in 1934. She had applied for landmark status so even after she passed it on to the new owners the gorgeous details would be preserved and respected (the tax breaks were a nice bonus).

Emma (Stone) had said she might be able to swing by the compound so the two could catch up. She wanted to hear all about Emma's new project. Taylor longed for a swim in the pool to provide some levity to her body. However, it was still under construction for the restoration. They'd have to settled for some chick flicks in the screening room.

Taylor walked out onto the covered patio to enjoy the warm July air and get settled over looking a massive trees and green landscaping. Just as she got settled in a rot iron cushioned chair her phone buzzed with a call from Tree.

"Hey Hey" Taylor chirped.

"Hey, lady. I've got an idea for you. And I'm honestly not sure if I'm brining this to you as a friend or as a publicist... Have you heard of Travis Kelce?"


"Right, why would you. Okay, so he is a football player for the Kansas City Chiefs. He is the best tight end in the NFL right now and possibly ever. He is looking to make a name for himself outside of football so he and his brother, a player for the Eagles, have a fairly successful sports podcast. He tried a dating show that wasn't super compelling, if you ask me. But his overall public persona is quirky, tight with his family and sort of a salt of the earth kind of guy."

Taylor vaguely remembered being teased about this by her assistant. They said the guy was a total ham on the football field and wanted to give her his number via a friendship bracelet at one of her concerts. He loved the spot light so this was probably some tactic to get more visibility. "Ah yeah, Kate mentioned something about that guy."

Tree continued "Okay, so his camp reached out. They think that the two of you dating you will help broaden the audience for his podcast, increase gear sales and be generally positive press for whatever endeavor they've got cooking. I think there maybe something they are about to push that they aren't disclosing but I doubt it is ground breaking.

Normally, I wouldn't even bring this to you. But I think it is interested on two levels. One, from a business perspective, this could really help the promotion of the Eras Tour Movie. We could make headlines which, is free press, and utilize the NFL broadcasting giving us a life in audience reached. An average football games gets 16 million people tuning in. You'd be able to get in front of men, women and children of all ages. We could time this so that you're in the news before the premier and then utilize the public's attention to promote the movie. I know you have a lot of your own money invested in this movie, a strong start is imperative for a profit, and the added press as it runs won't hurt. Secondly..."

Tree paused before continuing. "Joe. I know this is petty but I hate seeing you dwell on the cheating rumors, be it true or not. If he isn't going to set the story straight we could drown him out."

Taylor had been approached for plenty of PR dating relationships in the past but she never really needed them because she usually was actually dating someone. But maybe a fake relationship is what she needed right now. No pressure to wrangle her emotions into actually learning how to care for someone again. Just business, for press and to honestly not having to look at those stupid pictures of Joe holding hands with his co-star.

Taylor finally responded "What would that look like?"

"We could set the terms. The ball is in our court. Or, whatever the football equivalent of that is. I'm thinking we can get on the phone with them and discuss a few public appearances. Would he great to get you at a game and have him do a few romantic gestures. Think about what you want and what you are willing to do. "

"Okay, I'm still processing but I'll have a think. Defiantly no kissing or anything. That would feel too weird."

"Defiantly. I think we play this low key and let other people draw conclusions. If we push the narrative to hard it will be transparent this is a contrived relationship. I'll set up a meeting with Travis an this team. I'll send you the details once I have them"

"Sounds good." Taylor brought the phone down from her ear and then pulled it back up. "Hey tree.?"

"Ya?" Tree responded inquisitively.

Taylor exhaled. "Thank you. I think this is what I need right now."

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