The Best Day part 1

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September 23rd 7:00pm

Travis: Hey what are you up to?

Taylor: Don't judge me but I'm watching 
Bridgeton season 1.

Travis: Girl, how has it taken you
this long to watch it?

Taylor: Lol, have YOU seen it?

Travis: Both seasons & Queen Charlotte. 👸🏾

Travis: NFL wasn't playing during COVID so I had time to kill.
Plus, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
I get it, Regé-Jean Page is one good lookin dude.
I would burn for him too.

Taylor: Haha I just finished episode 5! 
It got very spicy very fast. 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Travis: Learn from my mistakes, don't watch it with your mom 🙅.

Taylor: haha how did she react?

Travis: I don't know I walked right out of the room. 
I'm close with mom but watching soft core porn is
where I draw the line.

Taylor: Fair. I only watched it with my cats and Meredith was unimpressed.

Travis: She is a sophisticated lady. You can't entice her in with smut.

Taylor: She is a paragon of virtue.

Travis:  We're just lucky to be alive during her time.

Taylor: She says she feels seen🐱👑.

Travis: I won't keep you from your high brow TV show. But make sure you get some sleep.
We've got a big date tomorrow!

Taylor: You are going method acting on me. Really leaning into the protective boyfriend role.

Travis: Yes, that (closes google tab explaining what method acting is).

Taylor: lol Good night 😴

September 23rd 10:00pm

Travis: You in bed?

Taylor:.... I'm thinking about it.

Travis: Start moving! Smutty TV will be there tomorrow.

Taylor: Okay turning it off now. Good night for real.

September 24th

It was game day, literally and figuratively. Travis paid no mind the the camera pointing at him. He looked up from where he stood on the football field, his team members beside him, psyching themselves up between digs at him for the company he was hosting today during their game against the Chicago Bears. He looked to his box and saw the tall blonde next to his Mom. Even from down here she seemed to sparkle, his mouth fell open. He still couldn't quite believe she was taking the time from her own life to be here to support him, contractually obligated or not.

The stadium seemed to come alive with a supercharged energy fueled by her presence. Hopefully, tonight would go well. He wanted her to feel comfortable and have fun despite being in a completely new environment.  She already met a few of his friends and family, at his house and through more back and fourth emails and phone calls they worked out that she would stay at his place in another room for the night.

He felt a twist in his stomach at the thought, now is is her turn to assess him and his life. She was bold for coming to a strange city, hanging out with people she had never met for hours on end and then staying at a new friends' house. At least, that is what he considered himself. He had no idea what she thought their relationship was, aside from a business deal. He wasn't going to push anything. She is a woman that knows what she wants, so she could set the stage and he would follow. But eventually, he needed her to let him in, past that shiny veneer she so elegantly displayed. A true performer at her core. He wanted to see her when she wasn't performing, wasn't trying to maintain the love and affection she had worked so hard to drum up. He needed her to trust him if what he had in store was going to work.

His stare involuntarily turned into a smile as his still gazed up at her, the beloved American Queen. As the strategist she was, hopefully she would respect the chess game he was playing.

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