Chapter 3 Welcome to New York Part 1

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I've hidden references to Taylor Swift song lyrics in each chapter. Comment on the ones you can find!

Taylor slept in the next morning. She was still mentally and physically recovering from flying out of a new city each week and the toll performing for over 3 hours every night took on her body. She had given everything; her thoughts, soul, voice and physical self while she was on tour. The hours were grueling and when she performed she went on the same journeys over and over again hoping to Trying to imbue the crowed with the same emotions that led her to create her catalogue of music. It was exhausting but she recognized and savored the privilege. How long will it be until some new 19 year old comes on the scene and she is nothing new. Will people remember her name? Will they care about her accomplishments any more?

Those were worries for another day. Today, it was time to recharge and recover. There were so many aspects of her life that she hadn't attended to. Parts of her she had put on pause so she could pour every ounce of her being into a great show. She missed hanging out with her friends, getting a little buzzed for a night out, or staying in and baking cookies. It had been so long since she was in one place long enough with enough energy and time to participate in any leisurely activities.

Taylor rolled over in her huge king bed with soft sheets and a fluffy down comforter that seems to swallow and cradle her at the same tine. The sun streamed in and she lay there, indulging in the calmness of the soft morning. Her cat, Meredith had sauntered over to allow for a head scratch.

Taylor reached for her phone to catch up on what she missed while she was sleeping. A few texts from Tree, her Mom, Selena who was in town and wanted to catch up over dinner and from Travis. Kate, her assistant, had added his number to her phone last night. Did he already have concerns? Maybe, after the meeting, he came to his senses realizing his privacy was going to be destroyed and that this was too much to deal with. She opened the text expecting to find something expressing a regretful and apologetic bow out.

August 12th 8:52am

Travis: Mornin' pop star. What do you have

planned for your day off?

Taylor exhaled a breath of relief and felt the prickly feeling leaving in her chest. She hadn't realized the depth of her concerned that he would run away before it began.

Taylor: Just catching up on life.

Maybe baking some cookies. 🍪

What about you?

Travis: Love a good chocolate chip cookie. I've got the day off from practice so maybe doing a recovery swim in the pool. Football season is almost here.

Taylor: Wait, do you play football?

Travis: Only sometimes.

Travis: I do a lot of dancing.

Taylor: Ballet? 😜

Travis: Not yet but stay tuned.🩰

Taylor: lol. Enjoy your day off :)

August 15th

Taylor: How is training going?

I heard you faked an injury so you

could get the camera on you.

Travis: I love an audience.

What are you up to?

Taylor: Going to hang out with

my cats and maybe some friends.

Travis: I think your cats might

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