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~husk's pov~

Seriously does everything this guy say have to be either flirty or inappropriate? Thats all he seems to be like. I mean I know his whole thing is being flirty or whatever but cmon, give it a break once in awhile and just act normal. I don't know exactly what he's trying to do but it's annoyin as hell. Does he seriously think I'll be attracted to him or somethin?

I just walk away from him without saying anything, why did I even go over there. Oh yeah, cuz of my actually customers that spend money whatever. I walk back to the bar to see that my bartender was finally there, guess he was just late instead of missin the day, I'm not gonna make a big deal about it or anythin so I go somewhere else

~angels pov~

It's fun to annoy husk, I mean I know he's a "big powerful overlord" and what not but I doubt he would hurt me or anything~ I see him walk away somewhere, where I'm guessing Is some sorta backroom. Since there was no one at the slot machines and everyone was either at the bar or playing betting games I got curious and decided to follow him.

I made sure he didn't see me because he would probably get angry I was snooping on him, he lead me down a tiny hallway that at the end curved to the left, with one white door there. We went inside and closed it behind him, there was a keyhole so I decided to look inside it.

I look around and I see a surprisingly fancy look room, I see him taking off his top hat and sitting it down on a table nearby a big desk in the middle of the room, after he takes his hat off he sits down in the chair behind the desk

Honestly I was expecting to see something at least a little interesting but nope, nada. Wanna know what I saw? Him sittin down and sleeping. For Lucifer's sake how old is this fur ball?

Nevertheless I decide to go inside quietly, closing the door behind me and looking around the room, searchin for...I don't know somethin? Something that would tell me who exactly this guy is, honestly I don't know much about him, surprisingly!

I look around and see a bulletin board with a few pictures on them, a picture of him and a really tiny lady with one eye and a red dress, another picture with just him outside the casino, he looks a bit younger in that photo, I see two more photos, one of the photos had him, some red guy with tiny antlers and a short lookin lady with a feather headband around her head with a leotard type of dress? And the last photo with him and..Valentino.

There are some other things on the bulletin board but nothin that interesting, it was just a fire escape, and whatever other borin stuff. I decided to look at other stuff in the office when I remembered that he's just sleepin away on his desk, I look over at him...yknow when I was flirtin with him it was just for fun but he's actually pretty cute!~ his ears twitchin slightly as he's sleepin and his cute little kitty nose~ to bad he's straight~ or is he? I haven't found out yet...maybe something around here will help me find out

I see a drawer in the corner of the room and I decide to open it, there are random things in there, some red feathers, condoms, tea bags, and just other random fuckin things but one thing that catches my eye are more photos, one of husk puttin his arm around some lady..they don't look like family so I'm guessing it's a girlfriend...or an ex girlfriend..I look into more photos and see another photo of him with some guy, this time the guy is hugging him and kissing him on his cheek as he he is gay...or at least bi or pan, but if that's the case why isn't he interested in me?

I turn around and see him sitting up, very much not asleep and staring at me I get startled and say "o-oh hey husker!~" "what are you doing in here?" He asked me..I mean I would just tell the truth about being bored and curious but why pass the opportunity to flirt with him? "I wanted to see you baby~" "ugh." He literally sighs at me?? What is this guy's problem?

~husk's pov~

I walk away from my customers and into my office cuz I'm dead fuckin tired and needed a break to at least nap. As soon as I walk in I sit my hat down on a table and I sit in my desk, laying my head down and closing my eyes. Literally like 10 seconds later I hear the door open, it's obvious the person coming in is trying to be quiet so I just pretend I'm asleep and keep my head down.

I hear the person walk over to my right, after a few seconds I lightly pick my head up to see who was in my office..and of course, it was the "one and only" angel dust here to a lot me once again.
I watch as he seems to be inspecting the photos on my cork board, I notice him turnin around so I put my head back down, I somehow manage to look at him from the top of my eyes with my head now without him noticing, I see him staring at me so I quickly close my eyes. Then I hear him walking and I think he left so I sit up, but guess what...he didn't.

So I just decided to stay sat up and watch what he's doin, he opens a drawer filled with random stuff I have stuffed in there and he picks up a photo of me and my ex, then he sits it back down in the drawer and guess what, he pulls out another photo of me and my ex boyfriend. But then he puts the photo back in the drawer and closes it, then he turns around and sees me.

He says hey to me nervously and I ask him what he's doin in my office, and guess what. He says "oH i JuSt WaNtEd To SeE yOu BaBy!!~~" he's such a fuckin dumb ass.

..yeah...a dumbass...that's ass he is..

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll probably add another one either before I go to bed or after school tomorrow :D


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