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~Angels pov~

It's about midnight I think, there's not one goddamn clock or anything to tell the time in this room. I haven't seen husk or anyone else the whole time I've been here so far but who cares?
I get changed into my red kind of reminds me of Val. He have this to me and..wait why am I thinking of that bastard? Ugh. Whatever. I lay down in the bed that was made for me on the floor, it wasn't the most comfortable of course was better than laying in bed with Val.

As I finally begin to fall asleep I drape my blanket over me. Then I wake up on a the studio? What was I doing back in the studio with Val?! I get up and look around to see Val sitting in the directing chair, waiting for me to wake up "ah, darling...finally awake!" He says to me as he walks over to me "V-Val?" I say as he stops and stands infront of me "who else angel, baby?~" he says as he blows his red smoke in my face...of course it wasn't real..of course I still belong to Val, of course. "Angel." He says sternly to me. " you forgot to film yesterday~ why." He says, grabbing my arm hard. It bad. "I-I'm sorry I just...forgot! I'll do it today I...promise just- let go!" I say to him, accidentally yelling at him. He squeezes tighter on my arm. Digging his sharp talons into my skin, causing it to bleed.. "V-Val PLEASE!!"

I scream as I feel someone shake me...then I wake up and see was just a nightmare..! I smile slightly then look up to see husker, holding where I imagined Val digging his claws into me "you okay kid? I was walkin' to my bedroom when I heard ya' yellin" ugh.
I can't believe myself. "Of course I'm already baby~ it was just a nightmare~"  "just a nightmare?" Husker says, letting go of my arm as I sit up "that must've been a hell of a dream then, your shakin and sweatin" wha- ah fuck, I didn't even notice I was sweatin or shakin, eh it's okay "yknow what would make it better baby? If I was sleepin in your bed~" I say leaning closer to his face, but he immediately backs up "aaand that's it, I'm leaving." He says, getting up and walkin out. Is somethin' wrong with this guy?

~The next day~

I'm sleepin, sound as a baby until someone opens my door and shakes me "huh, oh- what the hell...5 more minutes..." I say, covering my face with the blanket "no, the casino will be open in five minutes, so get up" a familiar voice says, I get up and see husky~ "oh, baby it's you~" "yeah yeah whatever. Get up and get dressed." He says "how bout you help me get dressed darlin~" I say, he just stares at me unfazed for a second "this your first time getting dressed? Do it yourself." He says walking out, Lucifer's sake what is wrong with him??

~husks pov~

The whole time this guy was here all he's been doin is fuckin flirtin with me. He better bring in money or else I'll just throw him into the dumpster or somethin, I swear to Lucifer.

I go and unlock the casino doors, some bums sittin out there already just waitin for me to open up the casino. I next open up the bar inside the casino. As in unlocking the alcohol cabinet I hear a staticky voice behind me "Hůşkër..." the voice says, I get startled and quickly turn around...but no one's there.. what the fuck? Someone must be playin some trick on me, eh whatever. I continue opening the casino.

I go and turn on all the slot machines and as I'm doing that I hear someone say something behind me "boss..~" ugh. If this is who I think this is I swear- I turn around and, surprise surprise, it's angel dust. "What do you want now? Can't ya' see I'm busy?" I say "I just wanted to know what exactly I'm supposed to do, just walk around here?" Ah well I guess that is actually a good question.."just yknow...make people stay here longer and serve some drinks maybe I honestly don't fuckin know.." I turn back around, turning on the machines. That weird fuckin bug is still behind me, I can feel it.

I ignore it and walk right past him after I turn on the machine, then I bring out a large bowl of pretzels and what the fuck ever else is in there. I place it on a table in the middle of the casino for the customers that have no fuckin money for food that costs money

I turn around and see Angel talking to some of the costumers, finally he's being useful around here. 


I think I'm gonna post one more part tonight then I'm gonna go to bed since it's pretty late where I am, if I don't I promise I'll do extra tomorrow :D

Words: 841

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